2018-06-12 Agenda and Notes




  • Community Desired Integrations discussion
  • 2017-2018 retrospective

Discussion items

3 minRoll Call and action items
2 min

New responses (if any) on the ArchivesSpace Integrations Information formNo new responses.
10-15 minRundown of desired community integrations
40-45 min2017-2018 Retrospective Discussion
  • What went well?
    • Good at defining goals and work plan in the beginning of the year
    • Meeting goals 
    • Good thinking of ways to create consistent engagement and work
    • Actually gaining momentum and keeping it going forward
    • Adding community members to the call worked
    • Better engagement with the community
    • Trying new things and adapting to new goals
    • Starting conversations recently
  • What could be improved?
    • Getting agendas out earlier
    • Cross-team/project collaboration could improve
    • Following up on communication better
    • Reaching a broader, non-member audience
    • More professional development share outs (presentations)
    • Could do better about figuring out if we are meeting the community's needs
  • Are we meeting our mission?
    • Yes, we're meeting our goals
5 minOpen Mic

Action Items