2019-01-29 Meeting notes
Jan 29, 20191-2:30 EST
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@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)
@Lora Woodford
@Christine Di Bella
@Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed)
Terra Gullings (absent)
Julia McGinnis (absent)
William Modrow (absent)
Round robin of Jira assignments
Kanban boards: New bug reports: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=15
New feature requests: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=16
Link to ArchivesSpace sandbox: http://test.archivesspace.org/
Discussion items
Who | Item | Notes | Decision |
Announcements/Questions? | Maggie Hughes has agreed to be our co-leader! Do we need to maintain an Annual Work plan? https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/260571148/2017-2018+Development+Prioritization+Work+Plan Should this be updated/archived or scrapped? |
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| ANW-341: "Search Help" should be provided within the new PUIAwaiting More Information | ||
Bill |
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Bill |
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Julia |
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Julia |
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Julia |
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Patrick | ANW-440: Improve MARCXML import capability for call numbersClosed-Complete (please email the group if you need someone else to take this ticket - I personally wouldn’t be able to check on this. Lydia) | Waiting on detailed spec for MARC import. @Jason Loeffler (Unlicensed) had set he’d take a stab at it. [From Lydia: Jason may not be active any longer on the project. if not, should we solicit the community for volunteer(s) to tackle this? Sue Luftshein and Cory Nimer tend to help out a lot with MARC issues, maybe they could help? |
Patrick | https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-485 (is this decision already made? Lydia) | Was unable to duplicate due to being a years-old issue with migrating from Archon. “Prioritization sub-team concurs other URL should map to external document sub-record since URL is easily actionable in that point.” |
Patrick | Confirmed and duplicated. Agree that this is a minor priority and should go forward as a bug. |
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Alicia | Rec: pass; implementation seems relatively simple - see JS snippet from local plugin on ticket |
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Alicia | Rec: awaiting more info/support from community. No new activity or votes on the ticket since Feb. 2018. Search can be tricky to implement (right?) so need confirmation that this is a widely desired feature. |
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Alicia | Rec: don’t pass. Does not seem like there is enough room for this on the side navigation pane, and physical storage info is already in the collection organization view. |
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Edgar | Rec: Pass with the comments |
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Edgar | Rec: Close; versions get added to daogrp |
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Edgar | Rec: Discuss and possibly ask for more information |
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Lora/Laney | Rec: Pass. Note: PDF generation is done differently from the staff and public UIs and I believe this is for both PDF exports. |
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Lora/Laney | Rec: Pass. Steve has a solution. One question for the group - should it be configurable? |
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Terra | https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-478 (Should Dev. Pri. be even handling plug in requests? Lydia) |
Terra |
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Terra |
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Lydia | Definitely still an issue. SIEWG has specs on it. A member institution was going to fund/contribute code fixing this. What is that project’s status? Rec: pass? |
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Lydia | SIEWG recs on this or relating to this. Rec: pass? |
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Lydia | I recommended that it should go to the Reports subteam to become a report. It’s unclear about how the alert should happen. Email someone? Who? Unfortunately, may need to keep it into Awaiting More Info, unless a decision to kick it to Reports is endorsed. |
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Maggie | Pass: Confirmed still an issue in test (v2.5.1) and local instance |
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Maggie | Some prior confusion ticket as to whether this work had been done. Can confirm in test (v2.5.1) that it has not been done i.e, Provenance field (Basic Info section) in Accession recs when spawned does not populate Custodial History note in Resource. Rec: Pass. Think this is a logical, uncontroversial mapping, and widely used across institutions. |
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Maggie | Added comment and screenshots to ticket. Rec: Pass. Agree that Agents as subjects should be clearly expressed, but add notes about how agents-linked-as-subjects do not appear in PUI at all currently. |