2021-11-04 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee
Nov 4, 2021
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@Daniel Michelson
@Randy Kuehn
@Valerie Addonizio
@Regina Carra
@Gordon Daines
@Christine Di Bella
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Facilitator | Notes |
5 min | checking in on ArchivesSpace Councils Wiki Organization | Randy |
40 min | Resources for sub-team leaders - timelines, templates, etc. | All | Please share examples of ones you’ve used and/or like Timeline/Calendar examples from Member Engagement Subteam From Regina: Member Match Calendar (general calendar) Member Engagement 2021-2022 Calendar (more exact calendar/checklist for the year) From Valerie: Integrations worked on this timeline, which you may not be able to see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ug9AmqSuae8JRBcbKSByzxJxdwpoy3cEFufv2740jF0/edit When Trevor asked me to be Vice Chair I inquired about the responsibilities and timeline. Trevor noted that there wasn’t a page for responsibilities, but he did list them in the email. He noted that there was a timeline, which he linked to here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pk35AmrEsdFT6gh-CxjLdq4TUB2eK5C7sJdamoGS2UM/edit#heading=h.gk9zpt57fht4 The Chair's responsibilities include: - Meeting with new members at the beginning of the term for an orientation to the Councils' work, responsibilities and expectations of Council members, and the various communication tools we use (mostly Confluence and Google docs, but also covering Jira briefly) - Scheduling and hosting monthly TAC meetings (ideally scheduled as a recurring meeting to minimize the Doodles). The structure and agenda of the meetings are at the Chair's discretion, but they should at least include updates from each sub-team. I borrowed most of what Maggie did last year, but changed some minor things, like not doing icebreaker questions. - In conjunction with UAC chair (and with contributions from sub-team leads) preparing a quarterly report for the Governance Board. Here is the latest example of one of those: - Attending UAC monthly meetings as ex-officio member - Meeting regularly with TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee, which includes Chair and VIce-char from each Council, Board liaison (Kat) and Program manager (Christine). This group discusses issues relevant to both Councils. I'm not sure how active it was in past years, but for the last several months we've met monthly to work out the changes with appointment terms and sub-team leadership. - Serving on the Nominating Committee in the Spring to advise on Council nominations. As there don't tend to be very many nominations, the work involved on this is minimal – this year it's meant 2 or 3 meetings and maybe an hour spent reviewing nominations. While it's expected that the chair will also serve on a sub-team, they should not lead any sub-teams, which also means that the vice-chair cannot serve as a vice-lead of a sub-team. Since the responsibilities of the vice-chair are relatively minimal, it's OK for a vice-chair to lead a sub-team if it works out that way.
from Christine: |
5 min | Overcommitted members | Regina/All |
10 min | Anything else? | All |
Action items