2022-03-15 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2022-03-15 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


Mar 15, 2022

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@Daniel Michelson

@Regina Carra

@Randy Kuehn

@Valerie Addonizio

@Gordon Daines

@Christine Di Bella


Discussion topics









5 min

Anything left to say on ArchivesSpace Councils Wiki Organization?


  • Christine ran a link checker and deleted the most recent batch of pages put in the TO DELETE folder

20 min

Timelines, templates project


.DELETE Email templates

  • Dan added a few templates, Valerie went through Randy’s past emails and decided nothing was template-worthy

  • Nominating Committee emails don’t need to be duplicated on the Councils wiki, but we should link to them

  • the Board Chair sends “thank you for your service” emails to departing Council members, so no need to have these in the Councils area [added later: Board Chair also sends appointment emails]

20 min

Followup on recruitment/Nominating Committee for FY2022/23 (overall and of leaders) discussion


  • Sub-teams with possible leadership challenges for FY22-23

    • Dev Pri since Angela is completing her service and Saron is not renewing - Dan says he’d be willing to be the Lead again.

    • Metadata Standards - Valerie can’t chair this team while she’s Chairing TAC and most of the others on the team have already done it. One possibility is that Regine could Lead with Valerie providing extra support to help her acclimate to it.

    • Usability - Althea is all right with sticking on to Lead even though she got thrust into being the Lead in her Vice Lead year.

    • Integrations - has had a tough year and is down to 2 members. The current focus of their work is reworking the template for presenting information about specific integrations and updating the survey to collect this information. Because so much work was done in the past, and good work to make maintenance more sustainable in the future is being done now, it could be that we could sunset or rethink this team so that it operates more like maintenance of the Awesome ArchivesSpace list rather than having a full roster of its own.

    • Rachel Searcy is Vice Lead of two teams (Testing and Tech Docs). Need to check with her to see if she’s okay with leading two teams next year.

    • User Docs and Member Engagement are probably fine with their current personnel taking on different roles, even though Regina will be shifting over to her Chair duties and won’t be able to lead either of these.

Other notes

  • Because of the way the terms changed, renewals will be rare going forward (intended only for people who will be Chair or Vice Chair of one of the Councils)

  • While the current expectation is that people serve on one team and only some serve on more, Gordon noted that he used to have an expectation for UAC members that they serve on 1 cross-Council team and 1 UAC-specific team.

  • Could we incentivize people to volunteer for leadership positions by allowing them to only serve on 1 sub-team if they do (would mean resetting the expectation and requiring that people serve on 2 teams)? Will float this idea to Council members in their next monthly meetings.

5 min

Anything else?


Valerie will be ready to report on most of the surveys by our April meeting. She will send around some data related to the recruitment survey about a week in advance.

For the Metadata Sub-team talk at the Online Forum, Valerie is going to plug the nominations process and would like a link to send to people. Christine will send her info.

Action items




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