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Hiring for open developer position, reviewing applications this week
10 mins
Sub-team Reports
Development Prioritization
@Angela White
cleared 17 tickets at the January meeting
likely to present at ASpace online forum
Users Documentation
@Johanna Carll
welcomed new member Rebecca Baugnon
continued work on Digital Object page review
@Joshua Shaw
Full regression testing for 3.2.0 release
Team met to go over regression testing best practices
Testing Team will lead a discussion at the forum
@Althea Topek
Discussed comments for the AS roadmap spawning specification
Reviewed 1 ticket
Member Engagement
@Regina Carra
Next meeting this Friday, January 28th. Primary goals for meeting will be to:
review responses to the Member Match Half-Year Survey
review “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace” document compiled by Jessica Crouch
30 mins
Discussion: User Docs
@Johanna Carll
Overview of changes to how User Docs operates. Rather than waiting until pages needed an update, decided to do a rolling reivew/update to keep pages current and so the work didn’t fall all on the one page watcher. Some pages had not been updated since first created. Updated the style guide.
Have a parking lot for issues that we have yet to resolve and would like feedback on.
Q. the line between user manual vs tech documentation. E.g., yml file description in user defined fields. Not something that users can necessarily change themselves so should it be described in user manual?
Configuration vs changes through the UI may be another way to differentiate what goes where.
Q. the structure of the user manual, currently by record type, but some subrecords carry across record types. Can we make a separate page about the sub record and then link to it as needed, e.g., a modular approach.
Pro - it would make it easier to update in one place and ensuring the information is consistent
Consensus is this is a good approach to take
Update to style guide - for accessibility add alt-text to screenshots.
Q. What other things should we do to improve accessibility? Anyone want to share any style guides they have seen that would help?
Q. How are other teams managing their work. Without external timelines, are you setting due dates for your projects?
Rather than due dates, setting goals and tracking progress (Bailey is using AirTable for this)
Given the pressure/burn out people are experiencing suggest being “gentle” with giving time frames and set achievable goals and give plenty of slack.
How work is managed depends on the work of the team (some can do work in short bursts, others require a dedicated chunk of time). That can shape the time frame for getting work accomplished.
Setting a time frame/due dates can help people manage their time. Soft due dates can help with keeping on track, but still allow flexibility.
Suggestion: setting a time where members of any subgroup can join and have a dedicated time to do their work and have the opportunity to chat as needed.
5 mins
New Business
@Daniel Michelson
No new business
Next Meeting
@Daniel Michelson
Joint TAC/UAC meeting on February 16, focus is on reviewing subteam workplan progress and changes.