User Documentation Work Plan/Goals

User Documentation Work Plan/Goals


Goal 1: Continued creation and maintenance of ArchivesSpace Help Center pages.

  • Create and update documentation in response to new version releases or user feedback.

  • Continue systematic review of Help Center pages, updating pages as needed.

  • Update team documentation (review process and style guide) as needed.

Goal 2: Review the Future User Docs Projects page to assess and prioritize projects.

  • These projects include consolidating duplicate pages to streamline the help pages and adding documentation that users may find helpful (e.g., a list of fields that can be published in the PUI). The team will discuss how to prioritize this work and balance it against the current systematic review project.

Goal 3: Restructure page watching assignments

  • Fluctuations in team membership may lead to gaps in page coverage. Reassess the best way to make these assignments.

Goal 4: Engage with the Technical Documentation sub-team (part of the Technical Advisory Council).

  • There is potential overlap in the work of our two teams, so engaging in a discussion would be beneficial. E.g., User Docs would benefit from a discussion with Tech Docs on documentation for user-defined fields.


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