2018-02-27 Meeting notes

2018-02-27 Meeting notes






  • Set our agenda as a working group

Discussion items


2 min

Roll callAll
5 minWelcome and introductionsAll
10 minPurpose of groupMaggie Hughes

The purpose of this group is to create an Awesome List repo (or similar) to live in the ArchivesSpace or ArchiveSpace-Labs GitHub organizations. The list would start with two or three categories (which could be expanded later) based on the interests of the current cohort of TAC members. It would point to items (code, blog posts, really, anything with a URL) that are and aren't maintained by the ArchivesSpace program team, and that are inside and outside of the existing ArchivesSpace repos. Inclusion on the list wouldn't represent an endorsement of any kind--this would strictly be a place to get people started.

For an example of what this might look like, see the IIIF Awesome List.

Target audience: Those who have decided to adopt ArchivesSpace (or already have implemented ASpace) and need some help on where to go next or in a specific area. Includes both ASpace members and non-members.

5 minAwesomeList topicsMaggie Hughes

Originally, migrations and plug-ins. Recent discussion of adding integrations.

  • Integrations content can include (Max Eckard, could you please throw that link you mentioned here? Thank you!)

Group decided to tackle all three topics: migrations, plug-ins, and integrations.

10 minReview working group responsibilitiesMaggie Hughes


  • create a type of project charter, including
    • purpose
    • and a timeline  
  • maintain a wiki space and communicate out their progress (e.g., at TAC meetings)
  • plan for ongoing maintenance of our outputs (we're responsible for the initial population of the Awesome List, but could reach out to the standing Migrations sub-team for their OK and provide a plan for them to maintain the "Migrations" portion going forward)


  • Awesome List shouldn't be an exhaustive roadmap, but more as a "resource guide". Links do not need to cover all technical details of using/implementing ASpace.
  • Working group does not need to create any new content, but only gather resources already out there
10 minProject Charter All
  • Consider adding to explanation/scope accompanying lists,
    • "details of any migration are going to be super specific, etc." disclaimer
    • "if you're a lone arranger, perhaps you should check out service providers, etc..."
    • note that the Awesome Lists are not a complete roadmap to implementing ASpace, but rather just collating resources, etc.
  • When consider ongoing maintenance of lists, be sure to include info on how to request a link be added to lists
  • When finished email AS User Group listserv about new Awesome Lists

Discuss timeline specifics:

  • 3 months – end of May, beg of June
  • Month 1 (March) - full draft of resources
  • Month 2 (April) - review list, add explanatory text, address any issues that have arised, review if there are any notable gaps in info/resources
  • Month 3 (May) - put Awesome List up online, plan for the ongoing maintenance
  • Month 4 (June) - TBD if extra time is needed for anything
10 minNext steps and dividing responsibilitesAll

Working doc for collecting resources/links: goo.gl/LThACp

All group members will work on populating links for all three topics:

  • Don't need to worry about link formatting, yet – we can figure that out later
  • Not sure whether we'll want to subdivide links into categories – we'll evaluate this at next meeting
  • If you think we should subdivide in categories, please add any category suggestions to google doc

Ongoing meetings, tentatively, last Tuesday of the month at 10am PT/1pm ET.

5 minQuestions?

Action Items:

  • Maggie Hughes will create project charter w/ timeline 
  • Maggie Hughes will confirm that AASWG meetings can continue on last Tuesday of the month at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET.
  • All (Maggie, Anne Marie, Tina, Justin) will collect resources/links on all three topics (migrations, plug-ins, and integrations) and add to google doc before next meeting