2018-03-27 Meeting notes

2018-03-27 Meeting notes




  • Justin Dalton (absent)
  • Maggie Hughes
  • Anne Marie Lyons
  • Christina Luers



  • Plan to shape and refine lists

Discussion items


2 min

Roll callAll
5 minProject CharterAll

Any comments?

  • Looks good
20 minLink/resource gathering discussionAll
  • How did it go? 
    • hard to evaluate the quality, was really interesting research
    • A lot more to gather than expected
    • where to draw the line in what to include and what not to include
  • Categories
    • might want to clump resources, esp related to migration, regarding what systems/tools people are coming from
    • Categorize Integrations by existing categories on AS website (i.e., digital preservation systems, content publication systems, import/export integrations, reference and reading room systems)
    • don't want to steer people away from other resources that might be helpful. Maybe have a 'general resources' category or 'workflow' categories that apply broadly.
    • Pull out broadly appealing/detailed posts into General and group by system and tool and see how that looks next month.
      • let's try this in Migrations: links could be in two places (the system-specific category as well as the general category)
    • Plug-ins: Importing vs. Exporting data and different functions
    • Write a checklist or questionnaire, 'getting started' section. Anne Marie will keep thinking about this, maybe create a doc in the google folder to flesh out as we go.
  • Review list – discuss Maybes and Nos
    • Keep older migration docs for now because some people might still be migrating to older versions
    • Address whether or not to keep links to older plug-ins further on (month 3)
    • Don't exclude anything just yet for being "too repository specific"
    • Link to all plug-ins and integrations separately
      • Can utilize indented bullet lists for resources listed in sources – do this for different versions of the same plug-in
  • Address any issues that have arisen
  • Add explanatory text? Such as an introduction or blurb accompanying each link. Other formatting decisions.
    • Include something like "Not seeing what you need?" way to give feedback from users about other things
    • Include a link to ArchivesSpace and institutions that support it, the membership and community, trainings, etc
  • Are any notable gaps in info/resources?
    • None that we've noticed so far
  • Other?
5 minAwesome List topicsAll

As of now: migrations, plug-ins, and integrations. 

Identified other topics? What to do with those ideas – create a list?

  • Implementation
  • Trainings and documentation
  • Scripts that complement ASpace

We'll include a way for users to contribute to the lists, so it's possible the community can help us populate some of these other topic areas.

10 minNext steps and dividing responsibilitiesAll

Formatting - Anne Marie

  • Add brief explanations following links
  • Title, source (personal name/intitution/etc), explanation
    • keep link embedded in title

Intro Awesome List, shorter section intros - Maggie

Categorizing - Tina

Ongoing meetings, last Tuesday of the month at 10am PT/1pm ET. Next meeting is April 24, 2018.

5 minQuestions?All

Action Items:

  • Anne Marie – Formatting the list
  • Maggie Hughes – Writing intros to the List and sections
  • Tina – Categorizing the links within the main topics