2016-06-14 notes




  • Discuss progress of FAQ potential topics move from spreadsheet
  • Discuss next steps

Discussion items

 Is the FAQ potential topics page done? 
  • Almost!
    • There remains some migration information. Some of which might need to be moved.
    • Most of the items have been moved, but things that have answers and haven't been moved should be moved over.
 Getting feedback 
  • Which questions for which sub-teams?
  • How to get help writing answers to common questions?
    • Asking Sally and/or Brad to get involved?
  • When and whom to email?
 Finishing the FAQ potential topics 
  • Make sure everything is moved over
  • Identify which sections need the most writing or clean-up
  • Try to answer what we can ourselves
 Platform ideas 
  • Wiki
  • Google groups



Action items