2016-07-22 Meeting notes



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  • Determine how we should keep the community up-to-date on "pre-planning" integrations.

Discussion items

5minRoll call Update on Phil Suda.
5minNew responses to the  ArchivesSpace Integrations Information form  
10minUpdate on ArchivesSpace/Aeon integrations discussion/presentations a the Aeon Symposium 
10min"Pre-planning" integrations 

From the notes last time:

Next time we'd like to have a bigger discussion about adding a "Pre-Planning" Integrations chart to the Integrations and Other Community Projects page. This is where we could point to information on and institutions interested in Aeon and Hydra integrations, for example, or for PREMIS Rights Statements between Archivematica and ArchivesSpace.

We liked this idea. We'll reach out to Hydra and Aeon folks and get something up on the wiki.

10minGitHub Organization for "Other Community Projects" 

Should emphasize:

  • Independent, third party (not supported by ArchivesSpace)
  • Scripts may not be up-to-date
  • May be half-baked or well-developed, might serve a very specific purpose, but should good for inspiration

Other questions: What should happen to the current Plugins page?

We like the unified approach (archivesspace-labs) and will volunteer to kick in on what the policy should be for administering it. We want this space to be inclusive, but organized in such a way that it's clear what's being supported and not supported. Even for the not supported scripts or plugins, we'd like to suggest that we require at least basic documentation and contact info.

10minOther to-dos and work plan check-in Next meeting 2016-08-22 at 2p EST.

Action items

  • Max Eckard will reach out to TAC about our support for a unified approach to archivesspace-labs.
  • Max Eckard will reach out to Sally about adding another person or two.
  • Max Eckard will reach out to Ben about pointing to ArchivesSpace/Hydra work.
  • Patrick Galligan will reach out to Dustin Stokes(?) about pointing to ArchivesSpace/Aeon work.