2016-12-02 Meeting notes
2016-12-02 Meeting notes
- Cory Nimer
- Kari S. (Unlicensed)
- Jason Loeffler (Unlicensed)
- Former user (Deleted) (absent)
- Sally Vermaaten (Unlicensed) (regrets)
- Review work plan and start working on it!
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5min | Welcome and note taker | Patrick Galligan |
10min | Action items from last time | Max Eckard, Patrick Galligan, Jason Loeffler (Unlicensed), Cory Nimer |
15min | 2017-2018 Work Plan review and discussion |
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15min | Timeline, tasks, roles, etc. for implementing work plan discussion |
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5min | Open mic period |
Action items
- Cory Nimer to add Integrations categories to Integrations page
- Patrick Galligan to add Integrations categories and "Other" to Google survey
- Jason Loeffler (Unlicensed) to investigate local Code4Lib outreach opportunities
- Max Eckard to add Code4Lib breakout session outreach, integrations plug in Christine's emails, and internal communication to Work Plan
- Kari S. (Unlicensed) will oversee action items for "Why" and "What" resource
- Max Eckard will oversee action items for "How" resource