ArchivesSpace Member Forum 2020

ArchivesSpace Member Forum 2020


August 3-7, 2020
12pm-3pm ET (9am-12pm PT)


All online via Zoom, with opportunities to join via computer or phone

First time Zoom users, view our Zoom cheatsheet for attendees.
First time Zoom presenters, view our Zoom cheatsheet for presenters.

Who Can Attend:

Individuals from ArchivesSpace member institutions only. Registration required for each activity.  If you register for one session, you are guaranteed a spot in that session only.  You must register for all activities you plan to attend. For those who cannot attend, the presentations on August 3 will be recorded and made available after the event.

Registrations for each day of the forum are separate. You will need to register for each day you are interested in attending to guarantee your spot. Registration for each activity is linked above the session in the agenda.  Workshop attendance is limited.  

Discussion sessions on Tuesday, August 4, will occur in two separate zoom rooms.  You must register for both Zoom Room A and B if you want to attend discussions in both rooms.

The number of registrations available for the workshops on August 5-7 is limited.  The total number of attendees is noted next to the registration. To give as many people as possible a chance to attend, you may register for only one workshop.

The ArchivesSpace Member Forum is open to individuals from ArchivesSpace member institutions only. To register, you must use an institutional email address associated with an ArchivesSpace member institution.  Registrations using personal email addresses and addresses associated with non-member institutions will not be accepted.  This means that those events with limited capacity may fill before you are able to correct your registration.  


August 3, 2020

August 3 Chat Log (click and download CSV)

12:00pm-12:10pm ET

Welcome and announcements
Christine Di Bella, ArchivesSpace
Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace

12:10pm-1:45pm ET

Show Us Your Plug-In

Presentation recording (including welcome and announcements)

In this session, ArchivesSpace users will highlight a plug-in, tool or integration they've developed to make their ArchivesSpace life easier.  Q&A to follow.

Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace

Hannah Sistrunk, Rockefeller Archives Center
Erich Chang, Rockefeller Archives Center

A plug-in that uses container profile information to provide a read-only searchable/sortable interface where staff can also do some extent calculations. 

Joshua Shaw, Dartmouth College

Presentation Slides

Sitemaps plug-in for the ArchivesSpace Public User Interface
Dartmouth has created a plugin that allows staff members to create a sitemap for the PUI to enhance Google (and other search engine) indexing and relevancy. I'll go over the general concepts, a basic overview of what the plugin does under the hood, the staff interface, and the final results.

Matthew Stephens, Atlanta University Center

Presentation Slides

Image Carousel
A plug-in that adds a an image carousel to a page on the ArchivesSpace Public User Interface

Alex Duryee, The New York Public Library

A plug-in that provides automatic date parsing in ArchivesSpace

Corey Schmidt, University of Georgia

Batch exporter tool for Windows users

A tool to batch export records from ArchivesSpace in EAD, MARCXML, Container Label, or PDF form and run exported EAD records through a series of cleanup processes. Additionally, a user can enable the XTF version to upload .xml or .pdf files to their instance of XTF, a finding aid website hosting platform.



2:00pm-2:20pm ET

It's in the Cards: Integrating ArchivesSpace with Trello for Better Processing Project Management
Noah Huffman and Tracy Jackson, Duke University

Presentation Recording
Presentation Slides

This lightning talk will introduce a lightweight ArchivesSpace-Trello integration that automatically creates Trello cards when new accession records are added to ArchivesSpace. The integration is based on a simple Python script that uses the ArchivesSnake and py-trello Python libraries to access data from the ArchivesSpace API and post it to Trello using the Trello API. Presenters will describe Duke's use case for creating the integration and explain how it streamlines the way we manage processing projects. The presentation will include screenshots showing the integration in action and briefly cover how to install, configure, and customize it for your own use. More information and documentation is available here: https://github.com/noahgh221/archivesspace-trello

2:20pm-2:40pm ET

Recent Updates and What’s to Come
Christine Di Bella, ArchivesSpace

Presentation Recording
Presentation Slides

Christine will highlight some recent work on the ArchivesSpace application and in the ArchivesSpace community, and point to some plans for ArchivesSpace as we embark on a new year.

2:40pm-3:00pm ET

Automated Reporting to Inform Archival Data Remediation
Kevin Schlottmann and David W. Hodges, Columbia University Libraries

Presentation Recording
Presentation Slides

As Columbia University Libraries have progressed from migration to operations in ArchivesSpace, we have developed tools and processes to monitor ongoing work, flag errors and problematic constructs, and report information to archivists and support staff in an automated fashion.

The long tail of cleanup after a large-scale migration left a number of known, widespread issues across the corpus, such as missing scope and access notes, incorrectly encoded language information, etc. The regularization required by the migration also opened the opportunity to implement more consistent practices and incremental improvement across repositories in line with DACS principles. To provide continuous visibility and timely warnings, CUL developed a number of automated tools in Python that gather data from both the API and cached EAD files and report information at regular intervals:

- Select resource data from entire corpus, reported nightly.
- Subjects, agents, and accessions, reported weekly.
- EAD checked against custom RelaxNG schema and XSLT rules (formerly Schematron assertions). Status of well-formedness and validity, along with any DACS compliance warnings, reported daily.
- ILS catalog sync, reported nightly.

The automated reports generate email summaries with links to complete reports in shared Google Sheets. This information helped inform numerous remediation efforts during COVID-19 while all staff are working remotely, such as origination review, access and scope note review, character counts for scope and bio notes to flag collections with limited description.

August 4, 2020

Community Discussion Sessions

Join members of the ArchivesSpace member community in discussions about a variety of topics.  These sessions are intended to be interactive and we encourage you to come ready to join in with your own questions, comments and insight.

Individual registration is required for both discussion rooms.  You may register for one or both discussion rooms and pop in and out of each discussion session as you wish.  




12:00pm-12:50pm ET

Amplifying and Supporting Efforts around Antiracism and Inclusion

In this session, Christine Di Bella (ArchivesSpace) will facilitate a continued discussion on how ArchivesSpace can support and amplify efforts around antiracism and inclusion, and how ArchivesSpace itself can be more inclusive.  We also want to consider how we can incorporate these considerations more organically into our ongoing programming and our users' experience of ArchivesSpace. This discussion will build on the June 24th ArchivesSpace Open Call on how ArchivesSpace can amplify and support efforts around antiracism and inclusion. 

In addition, the ArchivesSpace program team will present a feedback form that has been developed based on feedback from the community and the June 24th discussion.  

presentation/discussion points

feedback form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NQWT6JQ 

We invite everyone to attend the discussion happening in Room A on Amplifying and Supporting Efforts around Antiracism and Inclusion.

Discussions will begin in Room B at 1:00pm ET.

12:50pm-1:00pm ET


1:00pm-1:50pm ET

Getting Involved in ArchivesSpace

Presentation Slides

In this session, representatives from the ArchivesSpace Governance Board, User Advisory Council and Technical Advisory Council will discuss the leadership role that each plays in guiding the future of the ArchivesSpace application, fostering an engaged member community, and encouraging ongoing ArchivesSpace development. They will also discuss the role LYRASIS plays as the organizational home of ArchivesSpace.  An open discussion of ways you can get involved in ArchivesSpace governance will follow.  To learn more about the ArchivesSpace Governance Board and Councils before this discussion, visit https://archivesspace.org/governance-board-and-councils

Managing your ArchivesSpace Implementation in a Pandemic

Hoffner.Presentation Slides
Solek.Presentation Slides

In this session, Bailey Hoffner (University of Oklahoma) and VivianLea Solek (Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Archives) will build on Bailey's popular session at the 2020 AchivesSpace Online Forum which highlighted how she managed an ArchivesSpace implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic, accomplishing what had initially been estimated to be a 2-3 year implementation project in the space of less than year.  Bailey will discuss how this was accomplished by "on-boarding" and utilizing staff that wouldn't normally work in ArchivesSpace while they worked from home during a stay-at-home order. After, VivianLea will discuss her experience as a Long Arranger navigating an ArchivesSpace implementation while physically separated from the collections. This discussion will focus on ways managers can set and achieve reasonable goals in ArchivesSpace while extending radical empathy to staff during an unprecedented and difficult time.  

1:50pm-2:00pm ET


2:00pm-2:50pm ET

Providing Reference in ArchivesSpace

Presentation Slides
Presentation Resources

In this session, Brittany Newberry (Atlanta University Center) and Melissa Nerino (Industrial Archives) will build on their popular session at the 2020 AchivesSpace Online Forum and moderate a discussion of how archivists can make their collections more accessible through ArchivesSpace.

Managing Student Workers, Interns and other Paraprofessional Workers in ArchivesSpace

Presentation Slides
SEMO ArchivesSpace workflow
SEMO Processing Quiz for Student Employees

Required student employee reading at SEMO:

  1. "The Management of College and University Archives" by William J. Maher (read Introduction & Fundamentals, pages 1-33)
  2. "Archives: Principles and Practices" by Laura A. Millar (read chapters 5-7, pages 97-181)
  3. "Reference and Information Services: An Introduction" by Richard E. Bopp and Linda C. Smith (read chapter 3, only pages 57-94)
  4. "Arranging and Describing" by Fredric M. Miller (read chapters 1-3, pages 3-30)

In this session, Kelsey Barnett (klbarnett@verizon.net), Tyson Koenig (tmkoenig@semo.edu), and Rach Teasdale (rteasdale@semo.edu) of Southeast Missouri State University will discuss their student-managed implementation of ArchivesSpace including lessons learned, key takeaways and next steps.  After, they will moderate a discussion about managing student workers and other "non-archivists" working in ArchivesSpace.  

August 5, 2020

Workshop: Space Management in ArchivesSpace

12pm-3pm ET

This workshop is currently full.


Please note: There are 25 seats available for this workshop. You may guarantee your spot through registration. You may only register for one workshop.

The workbook and additional resources for this workshop will be provided in advance.

Upon completing this workshop, you’ll have learned how to use ArchivesSpace to:

  • Create and manage physical containers within a repository.

  • Create and manage physical locations within a repository.

  • Automatically generate the volume measurement of a resource.

  • Track available space within repository storage areas.


  • Nancy Enneking, The Getty Center

August 6, 2020

Workshop: Introduction to the ArchivesSpace API

12:00pm-3:00pm ET

This workshop is currently full.


Please note: There are 50 seats available for this workshop. You may guarantee your spot through registration. You may only register for one workshop.

Part presentation, part in-depth demo, this workshop will introduce attendees to the ArchivesSpace API (Application Programming Interface).  Using the ArchivesSpace API enables the user to perform tasks, like bulk actions, that are not possible or are more time consuming to accomplish in the ArchivesSpace Staff User Interface. The presentation will establish important concepts while the demos bring those concepts into reality. Please note that this is not a hands-on workshop and has been designed as an in-depth tutorial with live examples and time for Q&A. The trade-off will be a more seamless introduction to the API. Packets will be provided to all attendees for how to setup and use an API client on their own. This workshop assumes experience with ArchivesSpace but not the API itself; beginners are encouraged to attend.


  • Valerie Addonizio, Atlas Systems

August, 7 2020

Workshop: Using ArchivesSnake with the ArchivesSpace API

12:00pm-3:00pm ET

This workshop is currently full.


Please note: There are 25 seats available for this workshop. You may guarantee your spot through registration. You may only register for one workshop.

This workshop will explain how to use ArchivesSnake, a client library for working with the ArchivesSpace API found at https://github.com/archivesspace-labs/ArchivesSnake.

As institutions have adopted ArchivesSpace, a variety of practitioners and institutions have written scripts making use of the backend API to accomplish various bulk tasks not supported (yet) by the interface. ArchivesSnake is intended to be a comprehensive client library, to reduce duplication of effort and simplify scripting ArchivesSpace.


  • Dave Mayo, Harvard University 
  • Greg Wiedeman, University of Albany
Code of Conduct

Our Member Forum adheres to Code4Lib’s CodeofConduct4Lib. We seek to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe community experience for everyone. The full text of the code of conduct is available at: http://bit.ly/coc4lib.


Annual Forum Evaluation: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7CBD37Z

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