ArchivesSpace Member Forum 2023

ArchivesSpace Member Forum 2023

Thank you to those who attended the ArchivesSpace member forum.  An evaluation of the forum is available at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SH6N8SD


Virtual workshop: July 18, 2023, from 1pm ET - 3pm ET

In-person meeting: July 26, 2023, from 9:00am-12:30pm ET


Virtual workshop: Online; via Zoom

In-person meeting: Georgetown room, Washington Hilton 

Who Can Attend:

Individuals from ArchivesSpace member institutions only. Registration required for each activity.  If you register for one session, you are guaranteed a spot in that session only.  You must register for all activities you plan to attend.

Registrations for each day's forum activities are separate. You will need to register for each day you are interested in attending to guarantee your spot. Registration for each activity is linked above each session in the agenda.  

The ArchivesSpace Member Forum is open to individuals from ArchivesSpace member institutions only. To register, you must use an institutional email address associated with an ArchivesSpace member institution.  Registrations using personal email addresses and addresses associated with non-member institutions will not be accepted.


Virtual Workshop

July 18, 2023

1:00pm - 3:00pm ET (find your local time)

Registration: Registration is now closed

Join ArchivesSpace Program Manager Christine Di Bella and ArchivesSpace Community Engagement Lead Jessica Crouch for a virtual member learning opportunity about changes to digital object functionality, specifically designating a representative image for both resource and digital object records and their components, that are new to ArchivesSpace v3.4.

View Virtual Workshop Recording

Note: This training assumes basic understanding of the ArchivesSpace digital object module.  If you do not have experience with the digital object module of ArchivesSpace but would still like to attend this training, we recommend reviewing the digital objects section of the user manual or reviewing the digital object user tutorial videos in the ArchivesSpace Help Center

In-person Meeting

July 26, 2023

9:00am - 12:30pm ET

Georgetown room, Washington Hilton

9:00am ET

Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace

9:10am ET

Building a New Archive for a 127-Year-Old Institution
Mary Pedraza, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Presentation slides
Presentation recording

In this presentation, Mary will discuss how she implemented ArchivesSpace to collect and describe her institution's exhibition records as the first full-time, trained archivist in the 127-year history of the de Young and Legion of Honor. Mary's main project has been to re-process the Legion of Honor Exhibition Records collection that was initially arranged by volunteers from 1983 to about 2016. This was the only archival collection in the institution and though the volunteers had good intentions, there was no oversight to their decades of work, which lent to a poorly described and arranged collection. Mary will show how implementing ArchivesSpace has provided a framework to process these records and allow for growth beyond just this one collection.

9:25am ET

Using BentoSpace at the Litchfield Historical Society
Linda Hocking, Litchfield Historical Society

Presentation slides

Presentation recording

Like many historical societies, the collections at Litchfield include artifacts and archives, many of which are related. As a way to help their researchers better discover the rich and related holdings they steward, Litchfield Historical Society launched BentoSpace, an online search portal that produces results from their instances of ArchivesSpace and CollectionSpace. Linda will present about why they felt there was a need for this type of tool, demonstrate how it works, and discuss the response to it.

9:45am ET

Temporary Spaces: Leveraging ArchivesSpace Container Management Functionality to Develop New Circulation Workflows
Kate Morris, James Madison University

Presentation slides

Presentation recording

This presentation will demonstrate how archivists at James Madison University are leveraging ArchivesSpace container management and location functionality to support emerging workflows for the storage and transport of collections among temporary storage and access spaces during a recently begun, three-year renovation and expansion project of JMU’s Carrier Library. The presenter will provide a brief overview of the year-long container management project completed in preparation for a May 2023 collections move, and show how Special Collections staff at JMU are currently using container management data in combination with Aeon to create supportive interdepartmental workflows and communications. With staff within the library’s Access and Delivery department newly responsible for the transport and delivery of special collections materials, this necessitated the development and implementation of new circulation workflow processes and procedures. The presenter will discuss challenges encountered in transitioning to offsite collections storage, and show how ArchivesSpace functionality has provided the basis for improved collections management during a time when it is most needed.

10:05am ETBreak
10:15am ET

Using the Digital Objects Module to Highlight Digital Collections
Kevin Clair, Penn State University Libraries

Presentation slides

Presentation recording

The Penn State University Libraries use a combination of Kaltura and CONTENTdm with IIIF in order to provide access to their digital assets. In this presentation, Kevin will cover the strategies they have implemented in the ArchivesSpace public user interface to present digital materials to researchers using the Digital Objects module. This approach combines plugin development and local description strategies. In addition to the implementation details, Kevin will cover the ways in which processing workflows align with presentation strategy, and the impacts that embedding digital materials in the ArchivesSpace public user interface have had on digital collections discovery. Kevin will conclude by naming challenges that they face in making digital collections available using these methods, and future developments in digital collections strategy that will impact this work.

10:35am ET

Converting ArchivesSpace Data into Dublin Core for Use in a Digital Asset Management System
Marissa Bischoff, Brigham Young University

Presentation slides

Presentation recording

The Digital Lab at the Brigham Young University Library uses a homegrown plugin in ArchivesSpace to capture and format finding aid metadata into Dublin Core.  This is used in loading a text file that accompanies uploads to BYU's Digital Asset Management System, CONTENTdm. The plugin uses a large set of logical rules to convert various values in the finding aid into the 64 fields of Dublin Core metadata BYU uses in their schema. Then, it utilizes the ExifTool and some scripts to gather item-level technical metadata for every image file for use in the loading text file. It also performs a rudimentary quality control to check that preservation and access copies match and are named correctly. This plugin turned a manual copy-and-paste process that used to take 20 minutes into a 30-second automation and has significantly reduced errors.

10:55am ET

Coupling Archival Objects and Digital Objects for Archived Websites
Emily Allen, New York State Archives

Presentation slides

Presentation recording

In this presentation, Emily Allen will discuss how the New York State Archives recently implemented a new work process incorporating the tools and modules of ArchivesSpace to accession, describe and provide access to archived State Government websites stored in Archive-It. Links to the archived websites are then provided to the public through the XTF published finding aids.

11:15am ETBreak
11:25am ET

We've Come So Far! Data Migration and Cleanup at the Kenneth Spencer Research Library
Marcella Huggard, University of Kansas

Presentation slides

Presentation recording

The University of Kansas became an ArchivesSpace member shortly after version 1.0 was made available in 2013. The Libraries started migrating accession records from an Access database and EAD finding aids in 2014. This presentation will focus on our cleanup before and after importing data into ArchivesSpace. Over the past 9 years, while processing new materials and creating new finding aids at the same time, staff in the Cataloging and Archival Processing Department have had to touch every single resource record, fixing such pieces of data as containers, agents, subjects, intellectual hierarchy, dates, extents, notes, and in some cases the entire finding aid. KU Libraries’ implementation is now at the point that they are turning to enhancing data, not just mitigating it to make it more usable.

11:45pm ET

Community Discussion

Following our look back on the past 10 years of ArchivesSpace, join us for small group discussions on the future of the ArchivesSpace application.  Four discussion topics will be selected by attendees. Participants will have the option to move to the topic of their choice every 15 minutes or remain in a conversation if they'd prefer. Bring your suggested topics and prepare to engage with your fellow ArchivesSpace users!

Photography, Recording, & Livestreaming

The in-person meeting on July 26, 2023, will not be livestreamed.

Both the in-person meeting and virtual workshop will be recorded.  Recordings will be made available on the ArchivesSpace YouTube channel.

Photographs may be taken throughout the in-person forum and may be used for ArchivesSpace outreach and communications. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Code of Conduct

Our Member Forum adheres to the ArchivesSpace Code of Conduct. We seek to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe community experience for everyone. The full text of the code of conduct is available at: https://archivesspace.org/archivesspace-code-of-conduct 


Annual Forum Evaluation: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SH6N8SD

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