ArchivesSpace Member Forum 2021

ArchivesSpace Member Forum 2021


Annual Forum Evaluation: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D2GPMLD


August 2-4, 2021
Times vary; view agenda below for times by day


All online via Zoom, with opportunities to join via computer or phone

Who Can Attend:

Individuals from ArchivesSpace member institutions only. Registration required for each activity.  If you register for one session, you are guaranteed a spot in that session only.  You must register for all activities you plan to attend. For those who cannot attend, the presentations on August 2 and community learning opportunities on August 4 will be recorded and made available after the event.

Registrations for each day's forum activities are separate. You will need to register for each day you are interested in attending to guarantee your spot. Registration for each activity is linked above each session in the agenda.  

Registration for the "Virtual Happy Hour" is separate from other activities on August 2.  You must register for this event separately.  Registration information is linked in the agenda.

Registration for each learning session on August 4 is separate.  You may register for one or both sessions but if you would like to attend both, you will need to register for each session separately. 

The ArchivesSpace Member Forum is open to individuals from ArchivesSpace member institutions only. To register, you must use an institutional email address associated with an ArchivesSpace member institution.  Registrations using personal email addresses and addresses associated with non-member institutions will not be accepted.  This means that those events with limited capacity may fill before you are able to correct your registration.  


August 2, 2021

ArchivesSpace Member Forum Day 1

12:00pm-12:10pm ET (find your local time)

Welcome and announcements
Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace

12:10pm-12:30pm ET
(find your local time)

Plugin Show and Tell: The New School Bulk Updater

Session recording
Presentation slides
Presentation notes
Plugin use notes

Anna Robinson-Sweet, 
The New School Archives and Special Collections
Wendy Scheir,
The New School Archives and Special Collections
James Bullen, Hudson Molonglo

Developed by Hudson Molonglo for The New School Archives, The New School Bulk Updater is an easy-to-use plugin that can be added to the ASpace Staff User Interface. The Updater allows staff to download archival objects into a spreadsheet, where select fields may be added, revised, or deleted, and then reimported back into the existing resource without losing or altering unedited data in the resource. This easy round-tripping process can significantly reduce the labor of time-consuming data entry. Documentation about the plugin is available on GitHib here: https://github.com/hudmol/as_spreadsheet_bulk_updater. New School Archives staff will discuss their motivation for developing the plugin, the development process, and how they've been using it, and James Bullen of Hudson Molonglo will be on hand to address technical questions.   

12:30pm-12:50pm ET
(find your local time)

ArchivesSpace in Cambridge: the story so far

Presentation recording
Presentation slides

Natalie Adams, 
Cambridge University Library
Tuan Pham, Cambridge University Library

In this session, Natalie Adams and Tuan Pham of Cambridge University Library will discuss their implementation of ArchivesSpace.  Topics covered will include the changes they have made to ArchivesSpace to work with the structure of resources and archival objects in ArchivesSpace and to adapt ArchivesSpace to fit local/UK archival practice, the process of developing local plugins and contributing these plugin back to ArchivesSpace core code.

12:50pm-1:00pm ET
(find your local time)
1:00pm-2:00pm ET (find your local time)

Metadata Justice at the University of Oklahoma Libraries
Presenter: Bailey Hoffner,
University of Oklahoma Libraries

Presentation recording
Presentation slides

Members of ArchivesSpace have long been interested in work to identify and rectify systemic forms of prejudice that are built into our organizational systems and software. This work is not always easy to carry out directly within ArchivesSpace, but there are plenty of ways to approach the work which positively impact our ability to make ArchivesSpace more inclusive and useful for all of our users.

After a successful proposal to change the LCSH for the Tulsa Race Massacre from “Tulsa Race Riot” to the more currently used and accurate term “Tulsa Race Massacre,” a task force at the University of Oklahoma (OU) Libraries, which had formed around that initiative, determined that a more permanent group would be both a useful and essential way to continue this work in central Oklahoma. The Learning and Working Group on Metadata Justice formed out of that decision, and has since made significant headway on similar work, consulted with outside groups, and built foundational documents to ensure the continued success of the group’s initiatives into the future. This session will discuss: 

  • The general LCSH proposal process and lessons learned from the Tulsa Race Massacre proposal
  • The Metadata Justice group's approach to work and major areas of work with examples
  • Ways in which this work has impacted and/or been integrated into our use of ArchivesSpace at OU

2:00pm-3:00pm ET
(find your local time)

Cataloguing oral history collections and individual interviews in ArchivesSpace

Presentation recording
Presentation notes

Sarit Hand,
AP Corporate Archives

Christy Bailey-Tomecek,
Yale University
Tiffany Cole, James Madison University
Alston Cobourn, East Carolina University

This session will begin with panelists sharing how their institutions have used ArchivesSpace for oral histories. After, attendees are encouraged to ask questions and engage in a practical and/or philosophical discussion on methodology, standards, resources or chime in with their own experiences. Presentations are meant to be conversation starters and the ensuing conversation will hopefully help others who are considering how to catalogue their oral history collections in ArchivesSpace. Two themes will be touched upon, the first will be structuring a collection/interview in ArchivesSpace, and second, the components of a record.

3:00pm-4:00pm ET
(find your local time)

Virtual Happy Hour

Join members of the ArchivesSpace program team and your fellow ArchivesSpace members for a casual Zoom "Happy Hour." Bring your favorite beverage, burning ArchivesSpace questions or just your sense of fun for this unprogrammed time to talk about the past year and all things archives and ArchivesSpace. 

August 3, 2021

10:30am-11:30am ET
(find your local time)

ArchivesSpace Diversity Partners Cohort Virtual Coffee Break

Registration information sent directly to members of the ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership.

For more information about the ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership, visit ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership 

Community Discussion Sessions

Join members of the ArchivesSpace member community in discussions about a variety of topics.  These sessions are intended to be interactive and we encourage you to come ready to join in with your own questions, comments and insight.

12:00pm-12:45pm ET
(find your local time)

Discussing the ArchivesSpace Digital Object Module
Discussion Leader: Sarit Hand, AP Corporate Archives

Discussion notes

This discussion will build on the topics, questions, and insights gained during a recent small group community discussion led by Sarit Hand about the ArchivesSpace digital objects module.  Bring your own questions, use cases, tips and tricks for a robust community discussion. 

12:45pm-1:00pm ET


1:00pm-1:45pm ET
(find your local time)

ArchivesSpace Tech Talk
Discussion Leader: 
Brian Hoffman, ArchivesSpace Technical Lead

Join ArchivesSpace Technical Lead Brian Hoffman for this discussion.  Brian will be discussing tips and tricks for how to clean up records using the ArchivesSpace API but all ArchivesSpace technical questions are welcome!

1:50pm-2:00pm ET


2:00pm-2:50pm ET
(find your local time)

ArchivesSpace and finding aid discovery platforms
Discussion Leader: Corey Schmidt, University of Georgia Libraries

Discussion slides

In this discussion, Corey Schmidt will highlight the findings of UGA's recent Finding Aid Discovery Platform Survey and will lead a discussion around the ways ArchivesSpace users are making their records discoverable to the public.  Bring your own insight and use cases for how you are or plan to make your finding aids discoverable to users. 

3:30pm-4:30pm ET
(find your local time)

ArchivesSpace Member Match Program Virtual Mixer

Registration information sent directly to ArchivesSpace Member Match participants.

For more information about the ArchivesSpace Member Match program, visit ArchivesSpace Member Match Program

August 4, 2021

ArchivesSpace Community Learning Sessions

Registration for each session is separate.  Individual registration are linked in the agenda below.

12:00pm-1:30pm ET
(find your local time)

ArchivesSpace: Pro-tips, tricks, and shortcuts
 Valerie Addonizio, Atlas Systems

Session recording (This recording contains an additional 10 minutes of pro-tips and tricks at the end of the recording not discussed in the original session.)
Session slides

Become an ArchivesSpace pro in this session! Join Valerie Addonizio as she highlights some of the tips, tricks and shortcuts she's learned along the way.  Topics to be covered may include:
tips for using the spreadsheet importer, troubleshooting ideas, suggestions for preparing for an ArchivesSpace upgrade, and random tips about most aspects of the application. This session will have something for everyone and all experience levels are encouraged to attend! We also hope to feature some tips from you, the community! Come with a tip to share and Valerie will do her best to demonstrate if time allows.
1:30-2:00pm ET

2:00pm-3:30pm ET
(find your local time)

Understanding the Changes to the ArchivesSpace Agents Module 
Presenter: Christine Di Bella, ArchivesSpace Program Manager

Session recording
Session slides

In this session, Christine Di Bella will highlight the major changes to the ArchivesSpace Agents module as of ArchivesSpace v3.0/3.0.1.  Those considering upgrading to ArchivesSpace v3.0/3.0.1 or those interested in learning more about using the ArchivesSpace Agents module are encouraged to attend. 

Code of Conduct

Our Member Forum adheres to the ArchivesSpace Code of Conduct. We seek to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe community experience for everyone. The full text of the code of conduct is available at: https://archivesspace.org/archivesspace-code-of-conduct 

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