Test Corpus

Test Corpus

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(login information distributed separately)



I'd like to come up with a standard, heterogeneous corpus of EAD files (and accession records, if possible) that we can use to test enhancements to the public interface throughout the life of this project, and beyond.  To do that, I think that it would be a great idea if everyone supplied one to two public finding aids from their home institutions. If picking two, make sure to pick two files that differ in a variety of ways – and include links to digital objects, if you have them.  In general, I think that most of these finding aids should represent quality archival description that adheres to a content standard, but I also think that it makes sense to have some that don't.  To supplement our list (and, heck, any finding aids that we'd like to add from the Library of Congress, since those are in the public domain), I'd also like to add twenty or so different award-winning finding aids (e.g. https://marac.memberclicks.net/finding-aids-award#awards).

And if anyone has accession data to volunteer, please put it into this template:  https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/tree/master/backend/app/exporters/examples/accession  I'll have a few examples up before SAA's annual meeting, hopefully.

Brandeis: Got two



Harvard:  Got two

Litchfield Historical Society: Got two.



  • Guide to the Louis Bromfield Collection (EAD XML)
  • Finding Aid for the Carrie Robbins Collection (EAD XML)
    Cate shared both of these files with me via email. Thanks, Cate!



University of Illinois:

University of Southern California:




Other finding aids that committee members worked on:


Fredric M. Miller Finding Aid Award representatives:


Library of Congress finding aid(s):