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Christie Peterson - Adding onto an existing resource usually as a series. Does this information need to be entered twice?
Rachel Searcy - Try to do really robust accessioning and move it toward access as much as possible. Over last two years, about 2/3 of accessions are accretions rather than new collections. More efficient way to add accretions would be super helpful.
Lydia Tang - In brainstorming doc, under "Copying data between accessions & resources" section – With add digital objects example. More flexibility of being able to choose locally or by accession, what it is that gets carried over, using a checkbox of data description that gets imported. Presets by repository manager. Accretions to existing record groups.
Proposing different panes for resource tree. Maybe more like AT?
Freeze the resource tree?
Using mobile phone to get location for stacks info?
Different options in visual layout doc, but not committed to any one yet. Feedback will be valuable.
Regional Forums
Purpose of regional forums? So we can engage more locally.
Marcella, Kansas City
MARAC in Hershey PA? Suzanne Stasiulatis
Connecticut, New Haven, Hudson Valley, Connecticut willing to see if we could host – VivianLea
Lone arranger. Talking to smaller orgs, other lone arrangers. How we’re going to use it will be very different than how Yale is using it
Numeric sort. Working on plugin to fix that. Human sort vs. the computer sort. That aspace doesn’t have that functionality. that type of technology
Cal Tech, Mariella. Found it helpful to work with Nancy Enneking.
Digital Objects
Christie Peterson - Medium scale digitization projects
2 million objects. Just curious how other people are managing this
Digital object the way that you use basically a digital collection?
Describing and linking to a folder or complex digital object. That is stored in a repository. Complex digital object. Possibly with digital objects underneath it. No additional descriptive information. Just description from the folder level.
It seems like in the search results, seems to bring forward collection level scope and content.
Interested in hearing why you would duplicate
Noah Huffman – had discussions about what is the purpose of the digital objects. Kind of settled on something. Will find out more about performance issues. Attached several hundred digital objects to a single archival object.
Kate Boyd. Digital initiatives librarian at U of South Carolina learning about aspace. (Jessica Crouch knows more about aspace from archivist perspective). Kate is connected to the digital object piece.
Digital objects in ASpace is too much duplication with contentdm. Would really like to just link out to contentdm at the collection level.
Folder level 1:1 basically duplicating the finding aid.
Caltech: ArchivesSpace navigation finding aids. Basically connecting digital object description to aspace and islandora. Work in progress. Linking to uri and to objects. Not into islandora.
Hoping to make better use of digital objects.
Kevin Clair. Implemented similar to noah. Use digital object to duplicate . exported mod metadata then wiped all that out. Then came kind of an inventory of what’s been digitized. Did a test on the pui and learned people love to search only the digital material and then end up with items with no metadata since that’s been deleted. People expect thumbnails but don’t see thumbnails.
Feedback on the PUI? People really like the pui. Looks like google. Like clean user interfaces. Would like some of the same hover explanations for what fields mean, just like in the staff interface. Especially for notes. (don’t know what ead means!) (Jira ticket for tooltips on pui:
Getting issue details...STATUS
Feedback from about 80% undergrads, about 20% others. Tested during the day.
Did aspace and primo comparison. Will be a book chapter soon.
ASpace and Islandora integration/other integrations
Christy Peterson is interested in seriously discussing ASpace/Islandora discussions
Integrations sub team. Patrick Galligan. Important to think about the islandora specific part of it. To help facilitate conversations like this.
Here to help answer questions and get people in touch with each other as necessary
Does the integrations actively explore developing integrations with other applications?
What people would need in order to get integrations started, or put people in contact with aspace devlopers or members of development team.
More of a core info gathering and assistance, than a building team.
Lydia Tang participates in integration with aeon and aspace. Talk to dustin stokes from atlas / integrations team. Atlas has a little more work they need to do in order to make aeon friendlier for integrations.
And Yale is using Aeon.
Steelson Smith in library IT for their aeon aspace integrations work as well.
Georgetown Terry Brady – published components with an unpublished ancestor being made visible through the oai interface (have reported bug). Looking for a fix for that issue before we turn it on.
Interest in it was to provide a feed directly into their discovery system. Harvest resource records from shell records in dspace. And rely on dspace oai-pmh stuff to make those resources discoverable. But just wanted to provide that.
Seth Shaw: We (UNLV) will be testing OAI-PMH soon.
Migrating from 1.5.4 to 2.x in December and then we hope to point Primo at the OAI-PMH provider.
More online open calls
Physical in person events are great, but this free online opportunity is helpful.
Suggestion to make this regular? Twice a year? Once a quarter? Quarterly? Quarterly.
Received a lot of feedback from the member forum requesting that we offer more opportunities to get together online.
Review code contributions from the community, pull requests
How about a call dedicated to implementation type questions, tech questions, development operations?
Aspace development listserv?
Maybe users group listserv has gotten to technical?
Great to have a forum where everybody can chat?
Splinter the tech conversation to different groups? (Common strategy to have parallel general and technical lists, e.g. the various Fedora Projects. Feel free to join both.)
Or prefer to keep things together because archivists who aren’t too techy do have to face these as part of their responsibilities.
Speaks to the high level of technical expertise necessary to implement ASpace.
Adding IT support/administrators to users listserv. Follow up with these folks to connect them to available resources.