2018-02-21 Open Meeting notes

2018-02-21 Open Meeting notes


Held via Zoom; 43 participants

Discussion items


Let's talk about: How do people implement events and how does it improve their work?

  • Events can be challenging to explain to staff. A lot of options there, and challenging to put that into workflows
  • Kevin Clair – Denver. Started using events to track information about item-level stuff going out for exhibits, or being loaned out to museums or different institutions. A lot more going on with events than have use for. A lot to explain when people are trying to get a handle on how to use it. Would also like reports for events, to see what's out and how long on loan.
  • Rachel Searcy: I don’t have good answers, but echoing that we’re in the midst of wanting to use events to workflow management and reporting but haven’t figured it out yet.
  • Lydia: SIEWG recommendations was to limit certain options, perhaps make menus more manageable in the future
  • Jordon Steele: We use them regularly for agreements sent and received, deaccessions, and electronic records accessioning. Use them heavily
  • Braitsch: We're hoping to start using them for "Transferred to cataloging" (pubs out of collections. Also for tracking exhibit uses.
  • Miloche Kottman: we use them to indicate the edits on a resource record is part of a project done by students

Discuss PUI preferences jiras to poll community preferences

Lydia Tang

  1. Can you help me with: Tips on searching on the Public Site. I sometimes feel that the results lead me to collections that don't have the information I'm looking for.
  • Angela at UN Omaha – keyword searching will sometimes bring up the archival object level based on what's in the title or notes field at that level, but also noticed that multiple keywords are connected with OR statements rather than AND statements. Put up a block statement saying that it seems to be pulling up OR (people are trained to use AND through google). Link: http://unomaha-public.lyrasistechnology.org/
  • Christine Di Bella – From the development side, working on improvements. Users group listserv discussion about this issue on AND vs OR statements

2) Also curious to know if anyone is cataloging artifacts or other individual items in ArchivesSpace

  • Angela at UNO -- Yes doing this, but haven't standardized what fields
  • Export at the archival object level, rather than collection itself?
Francesca Pitaro

Can you help me with: Versioning/updating resources through batch import. Rather than having to upload a new record entirely and delete the old, have the ability to overwrite the previous version. Perhaps based on the identifier.Kyle Henke

I have an idea! In Summary 2017 I wrote a blog about object management (www.nypl.org/blog/2017/07/06/lets-start-box). Shortly after writing this, Special Collections @ NYPL began discussing the possibility of using ASpace to fulfill our collection management needs. We formed a small working group that has met a few times over the phone and are working on a development proposal listing a narrative of work and user stories, which we hope to share with the greater ASpace community. We would like to use this call to talk a little bit about this work, and see if anyone is interested in joining our working group.

  • Meet monthly, hoping to drum up
  • The ASpace Working Group, or the Collection Management Working Group
  • Celia- Fort Collins area. PASCAL interest group. Just local user forums once or twice a year
  • We have an internal AS working group - Texas State Library and Archives
  • Philadelphia – Mid atlantic aspace group
  • Let's get a wiki list of these working/interest groups!
Mary Kidd and Alex Duryee

Other topics, on the fly!

  • Cirie from AP: A field for locations at the resource level or item level?
    • Locations are attached to containers, and containers are part of an instance.
    • Amy Schindler – UNO – We used to put location information in the repository processing note field at the resource level, for collections that were not described at the component level. This was our practice before container functionality was added.
    • From Kevin Clair: that’s still what we do if something is (very) temporarily in another location
    • From Carrie Daniels: we put broad location information in an unpublished Physical Location note for resources, and in the General Note for accessions.
    • From Kevin Clair: and we can’t capture that in our ILS
    • From Marcella: For accessions, we have a few instances that are an entire room (staging area), and we add a note to the instance about specific shelving ranges/units where the materials are located in that room
    • From rachelsearcy: We have set language we use to indicate that materials in a collection are offsite using the Physical Location note, although that’s usually more for managing our users’ expectations and our public services colleagues.
    • From Marcella: Ooooh, good point Rachel, we have that kind of language too for a Physical Location note, but that is also very generic (like you said, let users & public services know these materials are off-site)
    • Francesca: Perhaps this can be something that's brought to the development attention?
  • EWilczek – is that sort of high pace of releases expected to continue beyond September?
    • Pretty large development background, philosophy right now is to try to do smaller releases and get them out more quickly. Hard to say when to expect that period of stability to just do 2 or so releases per year. But you don't necessarily have to implement each release at your institution. One of the things on the roadmap is to show impact.
  • Lee Cornelison – 
    • Philosophy is not to leave people behind if they have to use a particular browser or a particular operating system. But make thoughtful choices. Test it and let us know if its a dealbreaker
    • Testing group
  • Lee Cornelison –
    • Roadmap; windows installer. Anything we can do to help it along?
    • Christine: We want to make ASpace easier to install in different environments. Currently not easy on Windows. Windows installer – Co-op student
    • Most of the upgrade is straightforward, but time consuming and touchy to work right. – Please send an email!
  • From ndroark: I would be interested in hearing how others are using subject tagging. It feels like a very haphazard, subjective process when I do it, and I have NO idea how to advise basic data entry employees to go about doing it on the file or item level. Any good advice or guides?
    • From Lydia Tang: At MSU Special Collections, we have a cataloger who assigns the agents or subjects on the resource level once we start creating more digital objects, this might change to more granular records
    • Kevin Clair – similar
    • From jordonsteele: Yeah us too we defer to our cataloger
    • From Marcella: yes, resource-level record subject classification only
    • From Amy Schindler: Same here.
    • From jordonsteele: Yeah, we do what Kevin does
    • From Alex Duryee: We also only do resource-level subjects/agents
    • From jordonsteele: we assign genre terms, catalogers do subject analysis/cataloging
    • Francesca: Add subjects and agents at resource level.
    • Jordon: Yes have done that, but no idea what implications are for search and discovery
    • Christine: Inheritance was taken into consideration in the new PUI development and design, including subjects
    • Francesca: AP is hosted by LYRASIS. Reach out to your support team for your server
  • Patrick from KLN: Navigating through ASpace by way of breadcrumb trails in PUI. Used to having breadcrumb trails
  • Cirie at AP: Developing some unique reports on the fly
    • Christine: In general, focus right now is in building built in reports that give you certain data
    • Lydia: It might be worth creating a Build-Your-Own-Reports table with check boxes. It might be less work than predicting “common reports”
    • Reports sub-team: Reports (2018-2019)
    • Christine: The ability to setting parameters is definitely being built in
    • Lydia: Perhaps start a listserv conversation about this?

Action items


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