2018-05-24 Open meeting notes

2018-05-24 Open meeting notes


 – 2-3pm ET (11-12pm PT)

Held via Zoom; 22 participants

Discussion items

Let's talk about:

Linking AS with digital entities both copies and originals. Its good for physical media but no so with digital

  • Christine Di Bella: ASpace handles metadata, can link to those, but doesn't handle the files. Interested to hear how other people handle this piece. Web server? In a different system? Similar challenges, grappling in a variety of ways. Hard to be a system that does both really well.
  • Seth Shaw: Description management vs. content digital asset management. Describing collection material in ASpace, but as we digitize, going into contentdm. Playing with digital object records in ASpace. And being placed in contentdm. If we could see community development in pulling in digital asset management systems into ASpace, we can link the two. Something that can ease the linking between these things. And probably plugins will be the way that happens. Using python scripts at UNLV, but could possibly turn into plugins later if it's necessary or appropriate for our workflows in the future.
  • Bill Gellhaus: Don't have any bodies to do this work. But having to key it in here and there, can't get volunteers to do this. Need something to put the data in once.
  • Tom Adams: Example: http://archivesspace.cshl.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/71358
Bill G; Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia

New and updated manuals

  • Bill: Paper version, vs. digital version. Want a simple way of printing.
  • Christine Kim send Bill a pdf copy of the manual. However, this can go out of date as they are revised frequently by the User Documentation Subteam.
  • Tom Adams: Really like MySQL type of manuals. Can add comments, address questions they had with the manual. Enables the entire community to ask questions and clarify the answer, and allows the folks maintaining the manual to incorporate those questions in the manual.
  • From Smith College Special Collections to Everyone: 11:52 AM
    How can we suggest changes to the manual? (for example, we found something this week that isn’t a bug but currently isn’t mentioned in the manual and affects function … we had to play around to figure it out)
  • Christine Kim: Currently can email me if any changes need to be requested. Will look into a more formal process of communication with the team.
Bill G; Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia

Following the webinar on the evolution of metadata last week, we had a really good discussion here, and it came out that some staff who use ASpace daily but who aren't power users or aren't deep into metadata and software development would like a way to be connected other users and learn more about what's happening with ArchivesSpace, maybe something a little less backend tech-oriented than the users group listserv tends to be. We don't have any concrete ideas, but wondered if there was a similar interest at other institutions.

  • Christie Peterson: Watched the webinar, so much excitement. Those of us working on the day to day aren't often in on what's behind the excitement because we're not privy to that discussion. Is there a way we could hear some of that and have a window into the potential into ASpace?
    • Wonder if other people at other organizations do this, or other ways to talk about getting the daily users together?
  • VivianLea: Lone arranger so not sure if this is applicable. Appreciate that a lot of the IT stuff is segregated out. More interested in the communications about how we're doing things on the front end.
  • Smith College: In the webinar, people were giving it were saying we're not able to do this yet, but we're excited about being able to do it. And then we move on. Helps those of us to have that out there for inspiration.
  • VivianLea Solek: To continue these conversations to learn from each other. Maybe call us the front end users?
  • Christine Di Bella: Blog and monthly updates? Coming from AS program on behalf of users. Curious if those things are helpful? Or if we can get different kinds of content to front end users.
  • VivianLea Solek: Use the listservs. Don't use the blog that much. Have discrete mail folder full of ASpace emails that I'm saving. When I'm actually using, will go back to them. Is searchable, but this way I know I've got them. Acknowledging that we all do something differently. Maybe won't need it now, but may need it later?
  • Francesca Pitaro: Have a hard time with the listserv. Difficult to navigate. Searching because questions and answers seem to be repeated so many times, very frustrating. Would like to see some advancements, technology changes made to make it easier to use. Maybe link from the topics on the top to what you actually want to see. Would be helpful.
  • VivianLea: Folks don't snip messages? So you get these extremely long messages, kind of like a digest? Maybe Christine Kim can send reminders – if you're only responding to that message, just snip it down to that part.
  • Francesca Pitaro: That would be very helpful. And do receive digest form, so scrolling through 30-40 messages.
Christie Peterson; Smith College Special Collections
Can you help me with:

I have an idea!

Community mentoring network – a safe judgment-free space for newer users to connect with experienced users and ask questions about implementation, migration, integrations, using the staff interface, providing access... anything! A variety of ways to approach this – individual one-on-one mentorships; or themed office hours type mentorships over Zoom. What do you look for in a mentorship program? And is there interest in participating, whether as a mentor or mentee?

  • Themed mentorship calls?
    • From Jenifer Bartle to Everyone: 11:19 AM
      +1 for the mentoring idea… esp if we could match with a similar institution ;-)
    • From VivianLea Solek to Everyone: 11:20 AM
      I like the idea of mentoring on special topics and I like the one to many.
    • From Leona Hughes - ESU to Everyone: 11:20 AM
      I like the Zoom meeting, because sometimes people ask questions you don't think of.
      From ltdawson to Everyone: 11:21 AM
      Yes, I agree some sort of scaffolding arrangement would be great--especially theming!
    • From VivianLea Solek to Everyone: 11:22 AM
      Please include me in any postings about mentoring in special topics. Thanks!
    • From Nora Blackman CWRU to Everyone: 11:24 AM
      Our team of three users would be able to participate in a group addressing specific topics
  • Tom Adams: Don't have to be in ASpace all day to be a mentor. Hard to put yourself out there as an expert or knowledgeable. Much rather not label people as experts. Everybody has something unique to contribute. Someone who spends all day in the staff interface will have just as much to contribute as a developer. one-to-one or one-to-small groups. ASpace group on Reddit? Bubble to the top at the beginning? Something you can refer to and monitor.
  • Potential themes to explore for mentorship calls
    • From Cornell to Everyone: 11:29 AM
      Focus on the development roadmap
      • No idea if they are on target? Not on target?
      • Christine: Roadmap gets updated after each release. Progress on each issue is tracked on JIRA. If you have specific questions about a project, please get in touch with us. The roadmap is how we provide a look at where things are in the pipeline.
    • From VivianLea Solek to Everyone: 11:29 AM
      How about how to keep your sanity while doing data cleanup post import??? ;-0
    • From Dean DeBolt to Everyone: 11:29 AM
      User Response to AS interface (researchers)
    • From FPitaro to Everyone: 11:29 AM
      Strategies for searching on the public site -- how best to add subjects, etc.
    • From mswierenga to Everyone: 11:30 AM
      How to integrate Aspace into your library website and catalog - via OAI, or in other ways
    • From Nora Blackman CWRU to Everyone: 11:30 AM
      We would like to work with others who have marketed and developed instruction for AS at their repository. Also, developing use assessment.
    • From mswierenga to Everyone: 11:30 AM
      How to integrate Aspace into your library website and catalog - via OAI, or in other ways
    • From Nora Blackman CWRU to Everyone: 11:30 AM
      We would like to work with others who have marketed and developed instruction for AS at their repository. Also, developing use assessment.
    • From Dean DeBolt to Everyone: 11:33 AM
      Public interface discussion might be interesting. My users miss the Archon thumbnails for digital objects.
    • From ltdawson to Everyone: 11:35 AM
      +1 to all of these; learning how to start using reports in ASpace would also be lovely.
    • From VivianLea Solek to Everyone: 11:36 AM
      When I'm done with my data conversion, I would be happy to speak as a lone arranger slogging through about 28,000 cat records.
    • From mswierenga to Everyone: 11:36 AM
      I'd like for people to share slides if they present at a conference and talk about something to do with Aspace
    • From VivianLea Solek to Everyone: 11:36 AM
      Like the idea of sharing conference slides and how to use reports!
    • From Jenifer Bartle to Everyone: 11:38 AM
      sounds like a theme! (how ppl handle their digital content)
    • From VivianLea Solek to Everyone: 11:41 AM
      I would love a mentoring session on the "hot" plugins -- what have people found helpful. Would help with my "shopping" for plugin.
    • From FPitaro to Everyone: 11:43 AM
      Descriptions of what plug ins people find helpful would be great. We are hosted by Lyrasis and haven't really used plugins, although I know it's possible for Lyrasis will upload them for us.
    • From lsaegert to Everyone: 11:45 AM
      I would like to know more about instances - how best to use them and how many institutions actually use them.
Christine Kim; ArchivesSpace
Other topics, on the fly!


Action items


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