2020-1-22 Meeting notes
Jan 22, 2020 – 2-3pm ET (11-12pm PT)
25 participants
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Discussion items
Meeting Chat:
Topic | Who |
Let’s talk about: |
The new ArchivesSpace Help Center and user manual
| User Documentation Sub-team |
The results of the Development Prioritization survey
| Lydia Tang, Development Prioritization sub-team |
Yale’s approach to the PUI, specifically the collection organization tab which resolves some accessibility and usability challenges with the PUI- Found at https://archives.yale.edu/ Yale’s usability report and presentation
| Eve Neiger, Yale University |
Can you help me with: |
Multi-repository set ups in AS. There's a lot of sharing between repositories (eg agent records) which is really helpful, but some seems less so (eg location records, container profile records, location profile records). I'm worried about scaling up here- will it be feasible to use AS for location management by 30 separate repositories if each repository can see each other's location records? View Harvard’s container management enhancement proposal here: Eve Neiger recommends developing a group of stakeholders at your repository to meet regularly and agree on how to input information into ArchivesSpace for consistency. There was also a recommendation to try and identify aa group of ArchivesSpace users who are dealing with issues related to managing multiple repositories within in ArchivesSpace. Maybe a call on the users group? | Natalie Adams, Cambridge |
User accounts and changing passwords: we're setting up around 80-100 new users on AS and are finding it challenging because the users can't change their passwords.
| Natalie Adams, Cambridge |
How do people work with vendors to customize AS? Any tips of those who have gone through the process be it vendor selection, requirement prep, relationship management etc would be of interest to me. Eve Neiger (Yale) spoke about a specific vendor relationship and recommends thinking through what you hope to accomplish with the vendor using the specific example of developing use cases or user stories. She also recommended staying in frequent communication and getting quotes and estimates as you work. It can become complicated when dealing with vendors in different timezones. Yale has one point of contact for vendor communication. The ArchivesSpace stakeholders all meet and discuss before changes are made but everything is funneled through one point of contact. | Mary Haberle, Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts |
What do you wish you had known before importing legacy data? What setup issues MUST I do?
| VivianLea Solek, Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Archives |
I have an idea: |
Wouldn't it be great if assessment records included action/trigger dates? Meaning that you could check when an assessment needed review. Both this and the idea below are great candidates for new JIRAs. You can create a new JIRA by following these steps: | Natalie Adams, Cambridge |
We think it would be helpful if assessment records included 'external documents' so that we could link assessments directly to more detailed records. Would this be useful to anyone else? | Natalie Adams, Cambridge |
Other topics, on the fly conversation: |
Is there a need for Rights Statements to publish to the PUI? Should a ticket be created? |
Are user defined fields only available at the resource level? Should a ticket be created? |
I was reading the documentation and it said that development was expected for a batch EAD export feature. Would something like this be possible on the staff interface?
Does anybody use events?