2025-02-14 Metadata meeting and minutes

2025-02-14 Metadata meeting and minutes

February 14 @ 11am

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting



@Diane Biunno

@Kevin Clair

@Jacqueline Asaro

@Kate Bowers

@Christine Di Bella



@Frank Violette Foss

@Kristina Spurgin

@Jen Cwiok




Outreach plans (Forum and Mixer) and continue work on Jira tickets

Quick Links



5 - 10 minutes

Welcome everyone!


Any general updates from the group ?



 -Multilingual description: Working on multiple titles, test site with changes. Issues with EAD 4 and title URI.

-EAD 4: Reach out to EAD 4 group and see if they’d like to come talk to us. Primer on EAD 4.



Virtual member forum

Will submit proposal for the Spring Forum.


Member Mixer



Any updates on the Jira tickets?









ANW-943: Ability to export an Accession record as MARC recordAwaiting More Information

MARC export (Kevin and Frank) No updates yet



ANW-1709: ArchivesSpace <container> LABEL data: consider removing instance form/genre information (EAD3, EAD Version 2002)Awaiting Prioritization

EAD 3, 2002, Will work on this ticket as a team next meeting in March.










2-3 minutes

Action Items

Diane: Get in touch with EAD 4 team and schedule primer for April/May; submit a proposal to Virtual forum


Team: work on the following ticket. We’ll discuss it next time in March. What are implications if we remove these labels? ANW-1709: ArchivesSpace <container> LABEL data: consider removing instance form/genre information (EAD3, EAD Version 2002)Awaiting Prioritization


Team: Diane will send out a shared folder so we can start working on the Presentation for March Virtual Forum.


March Meeting: Ticket 1709 and March Virtual Forum presentation.


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