2024-11-05 Metadata meeting minutes
November 5th at 3pm est
@Diane Biunno
@Kevin Clair
@Jacqueline Asaro
@Frank Violette Foss
@Kate Bowers
@Christine Di Bella
@Kristina Spurgin
@Jen Cwiok
Jira tickets
Quick Links
Google drive space: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1RQftm8w4XkNISQHVbtjr6sNY4_iyyXMV
Test records: ArchivesSpace Metadata Standards Sub-Team
Published import/export AS standard: https://archivesspace.org/using-archivesspace/migration-tools-and-data-mapping
The MARC importer: Spreadsheet | Code
EAD 2002 importer: Spreadsheet | Code
Regine’s version of the EAD 2002 import mapping: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uBWibkBRy3o39sZf8cQfNDiCZ7v36Hds/edit#gid=2022215819&fvid=202912311
ASpace test site: https://test.archivesspace.org/
Time | Item | Notes |
2 minutes | Welcome |
5 - 10 minutes | Any updates from the group ? | Multi-lingual task force: (Kevin) -Associating multiple titles with single objects in Aspace. Next meeting will discuss MARC and EAD exports related to this issue. Invitation to the group to join on Nov. 19th at noon. Kevin will send out a link. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/MCTF-4 https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/MCTF-5
30 - 40 min | Jira Tickets | Jira Tickets: Below is the list of outstanding Jira tickets according to topic (MARC export, EAD import, etc). Let’s begin working on a couple today. |
| Newly added ticket The sub-team tested out this ticket together: Kate will look into the 001 field and report back next time. | |
| PUI, EAD and MARC export Group tested out this ticket together and discussed. Some of the fields have been changed with the new version (ie, the “finding aid status”.) Diane will continue testing out the ticket and will report back to the group. Issue with language/script and location. | |
| PUI, EAD and MARC export @Kevin Clair | |
| EAD export Jacqueline? | |
| ANW-1602: MARC exporter creates invalid 6xx $2 for ind2=7Awaiting More Information | MARC export |
| ANW-943: Ability to export an Accession record as MARC recordAwaiting More Information | MARC export |
| EAD 3, 2002 | |
| Dublin core export Frank | |
| MARC Import | |
| MARC Import | |
| LCNAF Plug-in import Jacqueline | |
2-3 minutes | Action Items | -Each sub-team member will pick a ticket(s) and report back next time. See you in December! |