2020-03-12 Meeting Notes


Date and Time

Thursday 03/12/20, 3pm Eastern


Zoom URL




  • @Kevin Schlottmann

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Dallas Pillen

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed) (Note taker)




Discussion topics









5 min

Ice Breaker Question: What, if any, is your caffeinated beverage of choice?

@Kevin Schlottmann


15 min

Standing item: review metadata tickets

@Kevin Schlottmann @Daniel Michelson

Link to board

Specific tickets =flagged for us by @Christine Di Bella

The following specific tickets (included above) are ones DevPri would like assistance on (as time allows): ANW-412, ANW-475, ANW-1047.

10 min

Review agent mappings

@Christine Di Bella

“Would there be any time and/or interest in reviewing some data maps related to the agents module work, specifically import/export for agents as EAC-CPF and one for a standalone import/export for agents as MARCXML?”

20 min

Review MARC import


@Kevin Schlottmann

MARC 5XX, 65X, agent, and other fields import review complete; notes below.

How to best publish this?

5 min

Export review process

@Kevin Schlottmann

Create one or more complete records with field names; save the json to our github; use this to text MARC and EAD2002 export

5 min

Anything else?



Proposed MARC 520 bug report

Title: MARC importer bug - 520 not importing correctly

The MARC importer is not handling the 520 field correctly. 
For 520 fields where indicator 1 is {blank, 1, 2}, the data is imported into a general note type instead of scope and content note type.
Note that for 520 fields where indicator 1 is {3, 8}, the importer works correctly, importing in an abstract note / dropping the note entirely, respectively. 
Test record:


Proposed Improvements

Add import capability for 583 (mapped to Processing Information note)

Add import capability for 555 (mapped to Other Finding aids; tricky though as this is used inconsistently). Alternately, ask Lyrasis to publish how they handle custom modifications for importing 555 and 856 fields to various AS fields.

MARC 65X review

*650, 656, 657 - small issues, should adjust documentation but no AS fix needed.

MARC agent review

*100/600/700 and 110/610/710 work reasonably close to the documentation. Main issue is note respecting the source indicators. Ticket?

*130 and 630 appear to work, 730 does not. 1) Ticket to allow 730; 2) Document this (X3X not mentioned at all)

*Feature request for all agents and subjects - import $0 into an authfile URI field? Is this already underway as part of the agents module work

MARC Other Fields review

*001 is ignored; feature request to map to identifier? Either way, document.

*008 works, but not entirely intuitive as to date behavior; should be documented.

*300 - if the importer can’t parse data (numeric in $a, a known extent type in $f), it defaults to “1 linear feet”.

Document what vocab this maps to.

Also, it’s kind of a mess. Consider reviewing in toto what’s going on, and how to improve it.


(Ice Breaker Responses)

Reviewing metadata tickets

  • There were some tickets which might not need to be evaluated any long

  • ANW-412: VRA core for exporting digital objects

    • This is a fairly old ticket, there was disagreement about whether or not this was even desirable

    • Linked issue was closed as complete/duplicate

    • We are primarily concerned with the published mappings for the tier 1 standard

    • Christine

      • This is from the early day of the program…this can be used for linking to more robust digital object metadata

      • Most aren’t using ArchivesSpace with VRA core to provide more robust metadata for digital objects

    • Important for ASpace to always be thinking of what should be supported for core

  • ANW-475

    • Lydia noticed that there is a Dublin Core mapping already

    • Is this subteam going to evaluate this mapping?

      • Christine:

        • Project was ongoing during 2017, Dublin Core map is pretty close to the end

        • It is Dublin Core and not MARC

        • We can reach out to Adrian Pruitt - it might be worth investigating, as the mapping seems to be fairly far along

    • We should then keep this ticket upon, we are unlikely to get to it this year

    • We need to prioritize this as Tier 1

  • ANW-1047

    • There are inconsistencies in MARC relator exports

      • Some export as translations, and some as values

      • Not certain which should be exported

      • Christine:

        • Difference is in something in the role field vs the relator field

    • We probably want to look a bit further to RDA in order to use the translation

      • $4 is the value

      • Some systems prefer the code to the translation

    • We need to undertake research for this

      • Kevin will research this with cataloging colleagues

      • Kevin will make the comment once he has done the research

  • Review Agent Mappings

    • Agent Module being developed by Lyrasis

    • Test server deployed this week to test the agent module

    • EAC-CPF exporters/importers being developed

    • MARC authority features also being implemented

      • This group would be valuable in testing and providing feedback

    • Timeline of two months

      • Exporters/importers might require more time for implementation

        • If so, this would delay the release of the Module, all features should be released simultaneously

    • How will this impact the other work?

    • Prioritization

      • What can we realistically get done?

      • MARC bib. import needs to be finished

      • EAD still needs to be finished

      • We also need to adjust exports

        • Export review process might be deprioritized for the next phase of this subteam

    • James can take the lead on testing the agent module

      • Determine what it should be rather

      • No reason to compare the existing EAC-CPF map

        • James must evaluate the new EAC-CPF map

        • Need to review EAD3

    • How do we feel on deprioritizing export work?

      • Group consensus to leave this for the phase held for next year

  • MARC Import Review Process

    • How do we want to publish the findings?

      • Offer the existing spreadsheet for download?

      • Is there some other way to publish this?

    • MARC 520 fields (scope content and abstract)

      • Indicators: put into general note types, and this is an error

      • This results in scope notes being placed into 500 fields upon (re)export

      • Kevin proposed to create a bug in JIRA

    • MARC 5XX

      • 583 processing note should be handled

        • This is pretty heavily used and has a clear analogue in ArchivesSpace

      • Ability to import 555 and 856 fields

        • URLs are stored to link out to other descriptions

        • Often these link out to finding aids, but currently they are not supported in core for imports

          • Columbia required customization for these fields

        • Should we take time in order to determine the best default behavior?

          • Perhaps we should request from Lyrasis their guidelines for how they typically support this with customizations

        • This very much depends upon the infrastructure

          • For Columbia, 555/856 URLs point towards the rendered HTML

          • Maybe we don’t change the import capabilities but instead document how it has been done for other institutions

        • 555 or 856 or both?

          • Kevin has seen them used interchangeably and simultaneously

          • How often are those fields the location of the EAD

            • Post to the listserv in order to see about putting this ticket in as a feature

    • MARC 65X

      • Documentation doesn’t outline what is happening

      • The documentation just needs to be updated, the behavior is very intuitive

    • MARC 6XX/7XX

      • Support for Agents

      • 130-630 appear to work

      • 730 does not

        • This is probably just an oversight, and this is not documented at all

      • MARC 1XX field is not correctly respecting the source field

        • This is worth a bug ticket

        • Otherwise, end up with dirty agent data

        • Might not require a ticket, if it this isn’t reflected in the new Agent Map, then this behavior will define the behavior for the new Module

      • Importing existing authority data using URIs

        • This feature should be supported

        • Kevin will route that to James

    • MARC 001

    • MARC 008

      • Collection level dates are imported

      • Encoded dates are imported

        • Can see why this was imported

        • If there is a history of copying and pasting, and if there is a documentation question, this can be described in the spreadsheets

    • MARC 300

      • This is quite a complex field to parse

    • How do we want to roll this out?

      • Want to avoid updates breaking the importer

  • Export Review Process

    • Export review has been deprioritized in favor of EAC-CPF and MARC authorities

  • Additional Items

    • Daniel also made progress with the EAD import
