2020-10-15 TAC meeting notes

2020-10-15 TAC meeting notes


Oct 15, 2020

Zoom Info


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  • @Valerie Addonizio

  • @Jared Campbell

  • @Blake Carver

  • @Mark Cooper (Unlicensed) (regrets)

  • @Alicia Detelich

  • @Christine Di Bella (regrets)

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Maggie Hughes

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

  • @Andrew Morrison (Unlicensed)

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • @Dallas Pillen

  • @Elizabeth Roke

  • @Kevin Schlottmann

  • @Rachel Searcy

  • @Kat Stefko

  • @Trevor Thornton

  • @saron tran

  • @Lora Woodford

Discussion topics









5 min

Roll call

@Trevor Thornton

  • Roll call/introductions

  • Notetaker: @Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

  • Next time (going alphabetically): @Andrew Morrison (Unlicensed)

5 min

Recent Contributions

@Trevor Thornton

Shoutouts since September!

  • Listserv:

    • Dave Mayo

    • Andrew Morrison

    • Rachel Searcy

    • Kevin Schlottmann

  • Github:

    • Maggie Hughes

  • Jira tickets:

    • Randy Kuehn

5 mins

Community engagement ideas

@Trevor Thornton

Submit ideas for community engagement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fr4R7DPx7k0Djn1yLOaeHcpK8CRRkatBOO2fK56F5Bw/edit

Link to chat of site they’ve used for realtime experience gathering: https://www.mentimeter.com/

5 mins

Program update

@Christine Di Bella (in absentia)

We expect to put out 2 releases by the end of the year: a smaller one with a number of bug fixes and small features (including improvements to the spreadsheet importer) and a separate one focused almost solely on agents. This way people can decide if they want to go straight to the agents upgrade or hold back but still get the bug fixes and improvements in other areas. We’re freezing the code for the smaller one tomorrow, so if you have a pull request in your pocket, now’s the time to submit it.

Speaking of code, we’re participating in Hacktoberfest and any code you submit to the ArchivesSpace Github repo, big or small, in the month of October, counts toward prizes. Learn more at https://archivesspace.org/archives/6563.

We are excited to be hiring for the ArchivesSpace Technical Lead. (It’s an understatement to say that the world’s been pretty unsettled since Laney left in February, which led to the lag in getting the go ahead to post this position. We’ve been fortunate that Lora and Mark have done such great things with development and technical leadership side in the interim.) The position description is at https://lyrasis.isolvedhire.com/jobs/145014.html. Please circulate it widely, and feel free to contact me or send anyone with questions my way. This is really important position on the team and for the ArchivesSpace community and we’d love to hear from anyone who might be interested.

15 mins

Sub-team and Working Group updates





@Dallas Pillen

Plan to do communication with the ASpace community, 2nd half of term for targeted communication (finding people to do webinars, reaching out to specific people)




Josh reported a bunch of issues to test. Assignments have been made, most related to spreadsheet importer and 281 bugfixes.

Next week end-to-end testing, so project team has desire to get this testing done before then.


Development Prioritization

@Randy Kuehn

Workin' through tickets!


Metadata Standards

@Elizabeth Roke

researching how to document metadata info from ASpace, looking for automated documentation methods. Request help on this!

Metadata doc is in two places that seem overlapping; both github page and main site with similar maps.

Trevor suggests coordinating with tech docs and user docs.


Tech Docs

@Trevor Thornton

Working async through gdocs.

Standard site generators for creating the tech docs from github (maybe of interest to metadata).

Looking at reorganizing the tech docs repo.


API Documentation

@Trevor Thornton

Work is happening, low visibility due to volunteer nature and non-TAC membership.

15 mins

Discussion: Integrations

@Dallas Pillen

Updating this page is task 1: Integrations

Updating look and feel, information about existing integrations. It’s really hard to track unknown integrations, going to do a search for integrations, ask community to report them, highlight resources Integrations maintains, google form. Call for people to look at the page and let Integrations know if they spot something that ought to change.

Looking to coordinate with other subteams to avoid flooding the list.

Add something to community engagement list document? Suggested live event of some sort, webinar. Notification on github for the survey?
Combine annual surveys into one sectioned survey maybe?

Small, lower-level integrations that aren’t full integrations - components for building them - are those integrations? Should they be represented? Conclusion: yes probably.

What are Integrations? page is relevant to discussion

Would wikidata, openrefine, reconciliation tools fall under this? Plugins to those that specifically address ASpace, probably?

Suggested: find people based on github/awesome list/etc, send introductory emails and ask whether they have stuff they want forwarded? Ask for permission to contact yearly?

10 min

Open mic


Make community engagement a recurring meeting topic?

Define desiderata for this, “what would we ideally want to know/get from ppl?”

TAC/UAC joint subteam for community engagement?

Val: will float idea of cross-council work on engagement stuff?

5 mins.

Closing notes

@Trevor Thornton


Action items


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