
What is the base path parameter that needs to be entered for many reports?
Stored procedures: Where are they stored?, What do they do, each one specifically?, How would I edit one if I needed to? Example – this report has three of them :
resource.`id` AS resourceId,
resource.`repo_id` AS repo_id,
resource.`title` AS title,
resource.`identifier` AS resourceIdentifier,
GetEnumValueUF(resource.`level_id`) AS level,
GetResourceDateExpression(resource.`id`) AS dateExpression,
GetResourceExtent(resource.`id`) AS extentNumber
`resource` resource
(resource.`repo_id` = $P{repositoryId} OR $P{repositoryId} = -1)]]>
I do not have server access so I have to edit reports on my desktop and point back to my data source. In so doing, I have to point to a data adapter and the location appears in the Jasper code. Wil this value be a problem when the repot has to be recompiled back into the application??
<property name="" value="ASpace laptop"/>