Reports Subteam Recommendations for 2017 March Release

Reports Subteam Recommendations for 2017 March Release


The ArchivesSpace User Advisory Council Reports Subteam recommends the following for inclusion in the 2017 March release of ArchivesSpace.

  • The committee recommends keeping and removing options from the current pre-defined reports available as Background Jobs in the application.

    Names List ReportKeep


    Rename "Agents List Report" to better correspond with labels used in staff interface.
    Digital Object List Table ReportKeep


    Digital Object File Versions ReportKeep


    Unprocessed Accessions ReportKeep


    Shelflist ReportNew


    Accession Record ReportNew


    Subject with Linked Records ReportNew


    Accession Receipt ReportNew


    Resources Deaccessions List ReportKeep


    Accessions Deaccessions List ReportKeep


    Resources Restrictions List ReportKeep


    Accession Unprocessed ReportKeep


    Accessions Acquired ReportKeep


    Accessions Subjects Names Classifications List ReportKeep


    Accessions Uncatalogued ReportRemove

    Accessions Production ReportRemove

    Repository ReportRemove

    Accessions Locations List ReportRemove
    Replace with new Shelflist Report.
    Accessions Records ReportRemove
    Replace with new Accession Record Report.
    Subject List ReportRemove
    Replace with new Subject with Linked Records Report.
    Names to Non Preferred ReportRemove

    Location Records ReportRemove
    Replace with new Shelflist Report.
    Resources Instances List ReportRemove
    Replace with new Shelflist Report.
    Resources Locations List ReportRemove
    Replace with new Shelflist Report.
    Accession Receipt ReportRemove
    Replace with new Accession Receipt Report
    Accessions Cataloged ReportRemove

    Accessions Inventory ReportRemove
    Replace with new Accession Record Report.
    Accessions Processed ReportRemove

    Created Accessions ReportRemove
    Replace with new Accession Record Report.
  • The committee recommends entering data in repeatable fields, such as dates and extents discreetly and in separate columns for CSV exports.



    Date Label

    Date Expression

    Date Begin

    Date End

    Date Label

    Date Expression

    Date Begin

    Date End

    Extent Portion

    Extent Number

    Extent Type

    Extent Portion

    Extent Number

    Extent Type

    MS-122Nancy Enneking papersCreation1998-200219982002Bulk20012001
    Part97.98Linear FeetPart55.8Gigabytes
    MS-123Nikki Thomas papersCreation2012-201620122016

    Whole2Linear Feet

  • The committee recommends adding the following new reports.
  • The committee recommends considering the adoption of a limited set of new formatting requirements:
    • A report will be able to be canceled after it has started and before it has completed.
    • Data exported as CSV must be in tabular format so as to allow archivists the ability to sort, filter, edit, and format the exported data and to enable the creation of summary charts and tables.
    • Report data exported as HTML must exclude HTML styles and classes, including colors, fonts, etc, thereby enabling easier use of data in a variety of content management systems.
    • Enumeration identifiers should be automatically translated to the enumeration values.  For example, if the user wants the extent type to display, the number 277 should be automatically translated to “linear feet” in the resulting export.
    • Brackets, quotation marks, commas, and null values should be removed from reported identifier fields, including accession, resource, and digital object identifiers. Instead, subfields should be separated by hyphens, e.g. ABC123-DEF456-GHI789-JKL123.
    • Report data exported in PDF and RTF formats must include footers that feature the title of the report, the date the report was generated, and the page number.
    • Report data exported in PDF, RTF, and HTML formats must use appropriate use heading tags (h1, h2, etc.) to facilitate accessibility.

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