2022-07-07 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2022-07-07 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


Jul 7, 2022

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@Valerie Addonizio

@Regina Carra

@Suzanne Reller

@Rachel Searcy

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to attend

@Gordon Daines


Discussion topics









5 min

Introductions and welcome, Rachel and Suzanne!




20 min

Orientations and other getting-the-term-started activities


Things are off to a good start, though June was overwhelming because of the fairly late notice about the new appointees.

Valerie, with help from Regina, is reworking the current Council orientation on the wiki to be a more general orientation that people could refer to at any point in their Council career

This year’s live orientation will have the usual components of introducing the sub-teams and tools, but also have some more active activities like a scavenger hunt/bookmarking exercise for people to locate relevant contacts and resources. Because it’s unlikely everyone can be there, it will be recorded.

Some suggestions related to Nominating Committee work and appointments:

  • Recommend that incoming Chairs are notified at least a month ahead of the start of the new term.

  • It would be ideal if the whole Nominating Committee timeline was moved up.

  • Revisited the discussion about Vice Chairs participating in the Nominating Committee activities, either instead of or in addition to the Council chairs. This may require a Bylaws change. Christine will remind Gordon to bring this up with the Board.

  • Add some more questions to the nominations form, such as “Would you be willing to serve on more than one sub-team?” and “Would you be interested in participating in testing/Testing sub-team?”

  • Make sure relevant notes related to discussions about sub-team placements of new appointees be given to Council leadership

There was a question about who grants Google Drive permissions to new members and takes them away from leaving members. According to the responsibilities documentation, the Chairs do this. Valerie will make some more specific instructions in it, and move removing permissions/ownership to a May activity to ensure it happens before people have gone off into the sunset.

25 min

Initial discussion of goals for this group this term


TAC Goals

  • Convene a meeting/group for just the sub-team Leads and Vice Leads – provide the information from the orientation as well as lead-specific. It will be optional for people to continue beyond the first meeting

UAC Goals

  • More actively prompt sub-team collaboration and outreach to the community – encouraging people to drop in on another sub-team if they want – lottery style?

  • Organize a coffee chat for informal getting to know each other? Early in the year (Late August/Early September) First actual UAC meeting will be early August

5 min

Anything else?


Leadership training

  • The leadership training three-year pilot came out of requests from the 2020-2021 leadership meeting that about two dozen people attended where people asked for more preparation/guidance for being leaders within ArchivesSpace. At that time, there was interest in both general leadership training as well as ArchivesSpace Council service-specific training.

  • For the former, we provided access to some recorded trainings from the LYRASIS Learning library and one live class on Managing Remote Teams that was taught by a LYRASIS instructor. For the latter, we worked on (and continue to work on) the orientation and supplemental resources for all members and leaders specifically.

  • In the 2021-2022 term, there was not much participation or enthusiasm for the more general leadership topics. There were bandwidth issues and also a sense that many people have access to the more general training through their employer and online resources. There was enthusiasm for the additional Council-specific resources, though some need to be surfaced or repackaged to make them easier for people to find.

  • There was a suggestion in UAC that if we do the live class again, it could take the place of a scheduled meeting so that people’s ArchivesSpace workload stays the same.

  • For now, we will hold off on scheduling the live class again. Contractually we are still entitled to have it this year if we want it.

  • We also still have access to the videos if/when people are interested. The list can be refreshed if there are newer LYRASIS Learning classes of interest.


Action items

Follow up with Gordon about Vice Chairs participating in the Nominating Committee process (Christine)
Add more detailed information about assigning Google docs permissions to the timeline/responsibilities documentation (Valerie)
Schedule the Council orientation (Valerie and Regina)
Continue repackaging the Council orientation section of the wiki (Valerie, with Regina’s assistance)
Follow through on the individual and collective goals for the Councils (All)
Have a great term! (All)




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