2022-09-01 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2022-09-01 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


Sep 1, 2022

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@Valerie Addonizio

@Regina Carra

@Suzanne Reller

@Rachel Searcy

@Gordon Daines

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to attend


Discussion topics









15 min

Checking in on early term activities and progress

  • Thoughts on workplans (if any)


Early term continues to go well. That said, it was very hectic getting up and going - could the Nominating Committee timetable be revised to get new members appointed at least a month earlier?

TAC sub-team leaders group has met a few times and feedback is positive.

Sub-teams are being encouraged to put ideas for both engagement and collaboration into their workplans.

There was a question of how much the Council leaders will review the workplans vs. just check them off as a to-do item. There was agreement to meet to go over them together with an eye toward potential opportunities for collaboration and synergy.

There’s an opportunity for people to develop and share best practices around creating and distributing surveys. Integrations may have some recent experiences in this area that it would like to share. Scheduled to lead a discussion at the February meeting.

25 min

Continued goals discussion


  • People keep asking for technical training, meaning help with learning how to use tools like Github and Jira in ways that are meaningful to their sub-team tasks. Bandwidth has been limited on the program team for this in recent years, but a combination of changes in staffing and group members pursuing help from people beyond the team may help push this forward. Skills of interest include:

    • Being able to read and interact with JIRAs for DevPri, Usability, and Metadata Standards

    • Being able to manage a Github repo for Tech Docs and Awesome ArchivesSpace

    • Being able to spin up an ArchivesSpace for testing

    • Being able to read ruby code for Metadata Standards with the suggestion that someday they be able to be or contribute to Core Committers

  • Note: Valerie is aiming to create some modules for Jira to add to the videos that are already there by the end of the term

  • Note: Tech Docs is going to work to resolve questions around responsibility of maintenance of its repo and formalize and document the processes for it this term.


  • Creating a resource about how to engage/communicate with the ArchivesSpace communicate using things like the listservs and contacting Member Reps. This could become part of the handbook.

5 min

Anything else?


Regina will send around a calendar appointment with the Zoom link for the Council mixer.


Action items

Gordon: Propose bylaws change to the Governance Board to include Vice Chairs in the Nominating Committee process
Christine: Move Council Leadership Training item into the handbook.
Christine: Look for any documentation from Maggie Hughes or other earlier maintainers of Awesome ArchivesSpace related to maintaining the Awesome ArchivesSpace repo.
Regina: Send the Mixer appointment and Zoom link.



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