2022-12-01 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee
Dec 1, 2022
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@Valerie Addonizio
@Regina Carra
@Rachel Searcy
@Gordon Daines
@Christine Di Bella
Unable to attend
@Suzanne Reller
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Facilitator | Notes |
20 min | Checking in | All | Things continue to truck along in the Councils. Regina walked us through the https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Csi1cbG_3fmTYyYxCfxKRhd2LSZISov5vdSF42HtYmI/edit?usp=sharing document that she and Valerie prepared. While TAC appears to be set up for fairly normal attrition in 2024, UAC is scheduled to lose 10 members due to expiration of terms, a much higher than usual attrition rate and one that could leave many leadership gaps. Some thoughts and options discussed:
10 min | Any updates on tech training discussions from other meetings/conversations? | All | Tech training was brought up as a topic for discussion at the last UAC meeting, but there appeared to be little interest. Between TAC and UAC there is some interest in doing a tech hour for skill sharing/answering questions though there haven’t been many volunteers. No further progress, but the plan is to begin moving ahead on approaching Joshua about whether he is interested in working with Valerie on the Docker topic. Will mention that there is the possibility of an honorarium, but will not be able to determine what it will be until we have a better sense of the work and the conditions for the work. There was a discussion in the Trainers Corps November meeting about Corey Schmidt’s interest in offering a new API training that builds on past sessions developed by Valerie and Lora Woodford. It may look significantly different from previous offerings. Possibility of piloting it with the Councils. There are always technical barriers in getting a workspace set up for this kind of workshop (one reason Valerie now recommends people take a Python training first), but it may be that this could work in conjunction with the Docker instruction. Valerie will bring Corey into that conversation at an appropriate time. |
5 min | Anything else? |
| Governance Board approved the amendment to the Bylaws to add Vice Chairs to the Nominating Committee. This year’s chair should be reaching out soon. Nominating Committee getting started with its first steps (finding people to serve on the Nominating Committee) Two questions from an October meeting:
Going to try and schedule the Feb joint meeting by polling TAC first, to see if enough TAC members align with the Feb meeting time already on the books for UAC. Valerie made a “quality of life” suggestion for 2023-2024: create “one massive Doodle poll for August and September” to facilitate early term scheduling |
Action items