2023-05-17 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2023-05-17 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


May 17, 2023

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@Valerie Addonizio

@Regina Carra

@Rachel Searcy

@Suzanne Reller

@Gordon Daines

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to attend

Discussion topics









20 min

Checking in


There is a meeting about the wind down of Integrations on May 18. The proposed plan seems to be acceptable to people. Given that there will be only two people, should Integrations be offered any new members? It would be good to offer it as a second team for those interested in being on two.

UAC started their retrospectives yesterday. There was a good conversation in the meeting, especially around starting earlier in the term when seeking out points of collaboration.

There was further discussion of the unfortunate run of UAC resignations in the winter/spring. While given the individualized circumstances most couldn’t be prevented, but there was some discussion of ways workloads could be communicated more clearly or lightened.

The role of Member Engagement in the Code of Conduct was discussed, as well as the Board’s recent discussions about undertaking a community review. It is especially important that Member Engagement remain a strong team if its role in CofC continues.

The coffee chat was a small group, but good. This informal activity seems worth continuing.

10 min

Nominations and other preparing for next term business


There will be a fuller discussion in the actual meeting of the committee, but both Councils would welcome taking on as many of the nominees as possible to replenish their ranks,

There was some discussion of the need for UAC representation on Testing - right now there are no UAC members continuing who would be available for a leadership position, even though the preference is to alternate between TAC and UAC leaders on cross-Council teams. Rachel and Suzanne indicated, given the need, they may participate in a limited way on Testing during the terms as Chair.

It would be good to officially make tracking attrition a responsibility of the leaders.

Many of the nominations are for people from larger institutions, which is typical. If we can’t get people from smaller institutions to serve this way, we need to find other ways to make sure their viewpoints are represented. Balance on DevPri is especially important.

Could we create a handout or section of the handbook that explains and helps people advocate for the value of serving on Council. This might include specific language people could include in self-evaluations or promotion packets or offers to write letters of support/recommendation. This could be helpful for both recruiting and onboarding.

10 min

Tech training updates


Github for Everyone session was held on May 11. Fifteen people from the Councils were registered. Everyone from this group (except for Gordon) attended. The consensus was that it was worthwhile and might be good to repeat. Christine will check about the availability of the recording since it hadn’t been sent yet. It might be good to post somewhere other Council members can access it if we can.

The idea of doing a tech skill share is still very much on the table. Maybe this could be a Councils alumni event.

5 min

Anything else?


VA- I’ve been tracking thoughts for discussion/ FYIs here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WjY9fDnVRBNOvwBdJUr4xDHmATh53sZhp5mnzmOB0fA/edit?usp=sharing

We discussed various possibilities for 10th anniversary festivities, including alumni gatherings, StoryCorps interviews, and an oral history of ArchivesSpace. Christine shared some information about plans already in the works and the program team’s interest in wider participation.





Action items



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