2023-04-06 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2023-04-06 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


Apr 6, 2023

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@Valerie Addonizio

@Regina Carra

@Rachel Searcy

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to attend

@Suzanne Reller

@Gordon Daines

Discussion topics









20 min

Checking in


  • Coffee chat is scheduled for April 21.

  • UAC has seen a higher than usual number of resignations this term due to job and circumstance changes. TAC may have an out-of-term vacancy in the future.

  • An idea has surfaced to bring back the AwesomeSpace ad hoc group to refresh and revisit that resource on an annual or biennial basis. This came out of the Integrations sunsetting concerns.

  • Coordinating Committee members like this idea. There was agreement that:

    • Not an entire term’s worth of work, more like meeting twice per term for pruning, checking link rot, refresh content

    • Make it cross-council - the Council Vice Chairs could be co-leads.

    • Let’s start by keeping participation to the Councils for now, and then consider opening it up (like past Ad Hoc groups) to people beyond the council community once the basics have been established.

    • Because there is already a framework for doing the Awesome ArchivesSpace work, hopefully it will be easier to get going.

  • We discussed bringing up this group having some overlap with the sunsetting of Integrations. Practically speaking, that means:

    • Begin discussing it in TAC and UAC meetings now

    • Begin forming the group in the fall - some work can happen around creating its charge in conjunction with the work Integrations will do in adding that info. to the Awesome List. Ask next year’s Integrations Lead if she’s willing to take an active role in the formation activities for this group.

    • Have the first meeting of the group mid-term or so (January?).

    • If the Github training is successful and is repeated in the future, it could dovetail nicely with what this group needs to know.

    • We want to keep this momentum going by beginning to take the necessary steps now.

  • There was concern expressed about Integrations going away in one of the breakouts at the Virtual Member Forum. We discussed that we recognize that integrations will remain a topic of interest, but that this group as constituted is not set up to create actual integrations between applications.

10 min

Nominations and other preparing for next term business


  • Looking for Vice Chair candidates. Leadership of some sub-teams is easier to balance with this than others.

  • The Chairs will announce to their respective councils soon.

5 min

Tech training updates


  • Github is happening and Council members have been registering; the Docker training may wind up being a non-Council activity that Valerie works on after her term ends.

5 min

Development practices/decision-making clearinghouse resources


Wiki page (work in progress) aiming to compile existing or new resources based on feedback about what people want to know/wish they knew. Christine is interested in feedback (and edits/visualizations) from the small group before it gets publicized more widely.

5 min

Anything else?


VA recent additions to Handbook:

She is seeking edits.

Someone in one of the breakouts at the Virtual Member Forum asked if there was a “guide to guides” - Christine pointed to the Getting Started page and talked about the kind of onboarding info. sent to new members.





Action items



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