2023-01-05 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2023-01-05 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


Jan 5, 2023

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@Valerie Addonizio

@Regina Carra

@Rachel Searcy

@Suzanne Reller

@Gordon Daines

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to attend

Discussion topics









5 min

Getting reoriented to the new year


(We acknowledged at our last meeting that, given how December works for most of our community, we didn’t expect there to be much progress on our ongoing topics to report at this meeting.)

20 min

Checking in


The results of the scheduling poll for the joint meeting are in and TAC will join UAC at its standing meeting time on February 21. Valerie will send an invite to all participants.

Valerie drafted this based on past practice and this group’s feedback: Guidelines for ArchivesSpace Council Sub-Teams | Ad Hoc Groups

10 min

Tech training updates


Valerie is working on an email to Joshua about the Docker idea, which is helping her think through goals and objectives, deliverables, etc. Christine talked with the Program Leader for Lyrasis Learning and while this is not their focus, he is interested in exploring some possibilities. His background is in instructional design and it’s possible he could collaborate with a domain expert to develop a course. He’s looking into the Github idea first.

API training came up in the Digital Objects member discussion on December 14. Many good links and suggestions for acquiring and growing in such knowledge were shared.

5 min

Anything else?


The Nominating Committee Chair (Sean Quimby) reached out to possible committee members just before break, but has not reached out to the Chairs and Vice Chairs yet. (Christine will remind him.) Need to have the full slate to present to the Governance Board for approval in early February.





Action items

Valerie will send a calendar invite to all participants in the February joint Council meeting
Christine will remind Nominating Committee Chair to contact the Chairs and Vice Chairs to confirm their service



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