2015-10-30 Meeting notes

2015-10-30 Meeting notes




  • Review work plan and begin to define "Integration" as it relates to this sub-team. Create timeline for rest of work.

Discussion items

3minRoll call and recap
  • Can someone volunteer to take notes?
    • Attendees: Max Eckard, Brad Westbrook, Patrick Galligan, Phillip Suda, and Cory Nimer joined later.
    • Patrick Galligan took notes
5minVerify work plan 
  • Check it out here.
    • Work plan was verified, with suggestions to add points to determine roles and mission statement.
20min"Integration" defined 
  • See some thoughts here.
    • Integration should be defined as being shareable and generalizable.
    • "Integration is a coupling that doesn’t rely on manual intervention" – Brad Westbrook. Team members agreed with Brad's point.
    • Looking for minimal manual intervention to qualify as an integration.
    • A plugin can be an integration, shuttling data between different sources can be an integration, and changes to the data model in various ways are integrations.
    • We began coming up with tiers of integration: lowest might be a plugin that sits on top of the data model without changing it, highest would be like Yale's container management work that requires changes to the data model and migration of data already in the system.
    • Not an integration if there is a manual step through, even if the step is automated. RAC automatic export script is NOT an integration.
    • We talked a little about possible roles of the integration sub-team, and those possibly included: keeping track of possible integrations, updating the community on integration work, and acting as liaisons to in-progress integrations.
    • We will keep bring Max's google document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XfJkBZvWFeSzk8vFeUnBdUydOURNiWu742aZxvrhlY8/edit?usp=sharing) to the wiki, and continue working there.
  • What are they?
    • Provide services to the community by helping gather together functional requirements, and bring stories to and from the AS community.
  • Who are they?
    • TBD
15minNext steps 
  • Outline where/how AS could be integrated (such as where in the data model, API, etc.).
  • Highlight functional integration points (something like this except not specific to Hydra).
Reverse engineering
  • Outline a list of questions that can be used to investigate current integration work.
2minNext call Tuesday, December 8th at 2p EST

Action items


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