2016-02-09 Meeting notes

2016-02-09 Meeting notes

Call-in details

Connecting directly from a room system?

  1. Dial: - 3-1841 (Registered with U-M Video Cluster) - or bjn.vc
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 140842004 or use the pairing code
  3. Enter the Passcode: 6952

Just want to dial in?

  1. Dial: +1 734 763 1841 (Last 5 digits from campus) +1.888.240.2560 (US or Canada only) +1.408.740.7256 International Callers (http://bluejeans.com/numbers)
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 140842004
  3. Enter the Passcode: 6952




  • Review mssion statement, submissions from the form, decide what to do with that information and decide how to proceed on incomplete items from our work plan.

Discussion items

5minRoll call and note takerMax Eckard 
5minCheck in on action items from 2016-01-12 meeting

Patrick Galligan

Max Eckard

2minRespond to mission statement draft 

See Mission Statement in our Google Doc for what we proposed last time.

15minReview responses from ArchivesSpace Integrations Information form  
10minDecided what to do with that information (i.e., coordinate liaisons, blog posts, etc.)  
20minThink about how to proceed for incomplete items on our work plan  
3minWrap up Next call is , 2pm - 3pm EST.

Action items

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