2016-01-12 Meeting notes

2016-01-12 Meeting notes

Call-in details

Connecting directly from a room system?

  1. Dial: - 3-1841 (Registered with U-M Video Cluster) - or bjn.vc
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 140842004 or use the pairing code
  3. Enter the Passcode: 6952

Just want to dial in?

  1. Dial: +1 734 763 1841 (Last 5 digits from campus) +1.888.240.2560 (US or Canada only) +1.408.740.7256 International Callers (http://bluejeans.com/numbers)
  2. Enter the Meeting ID: 140842004
  3. Enter the Passcode: 6952




  • Update on action items from 2015-12-08 meeting; Mission Statement redux; decide on next steps.

Discussion items

5minRoll call and note taker  
5minData points for Integrations page on ArchivesSpace wikiKari S. (Unlicensed)

This information will live on the Integrations and Other Community Projects page.

Decision made to make these the columns in the table:

  • System
  • Name
  • Objective
  • Code links
  • Documentation links
  • Status


5minGoogle formPatrick Galligan


All agreed the form looked good.


Process for updating Integrations page

Patrick Galligan

Couple of options:

  1. someone's role to update integrations list when a Google Form submission comes in
  2. group to discuss each Form submission

Is time lag a problem? Could we do rolling updates?

  • Depends on scope of the integrations table - group is going with idea that this group will provide some level of support / awareness raising etc for integrations listed on table so needs to be curated.
  • Other submissions that aren't integrations could be listed on general plugins page

Ongoing process:

  • Members to review that month's Google Form submissions prior to calls.
  • Discuss submissions at each call.
  • Group to create blog post on ASpace wiki after integrations table has been updated + email blast.
  • If a submission isn't included in table, someone should inform submitter.


5minSolicitation of integrations infoMax Eckard and Patrick Galligan


Max & Patrick to add in links to email.

Patrick to send out email re. Aeon

Max to send out the email to all other listservs.

10minMission Statement redux 

See Mission Statement in our Google Doc for notes we've accumulated thus far.

Group agreed on a preliminary

15minDecide on next steps See work plan for what we said we'd do.
5minWrap-up Next call is , 2pm - 3pm EST.

Action items

  • Patrick Galligan to add fields for documentation links and code links to Google Form & make explicit that blogs can be noted in additional information
  • Max Eckard to send out emails calling for info on integrations
  • Patrick Galligan to send email to Aeon


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