2016-05-10 Meeting notes

2016-05-10 Meeting notes

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  • Think strategically about ArchivesSpace and Hydra; explore non-native ArchivesSpace functionality that could be facilitated by an integration.

Discussion items

5minRoll call and updates on membership 

Will assume Phil is still interested in participating as able until we hear otherwise. Perhaps Sally Vermaaten (Unlicensed) has his contact info?

5minNew responses to the  ArchivesSpace Integrations Information form Discussed responses from CalTech and Hillel Arnold, deciding to get more information and classify as Tier 3, respectively.
10minArchivesSpace Hydra integration 
  • HAIG notes from February
  • Conversations with Ben Goldman

We discussed the possibility of creating an ad hoc group consisting of some members of the Integrations sub-team and some members of the Hydra Archivists Interest Group to look closely at ArchivesSpace/Hydra Integration, especially around one of the functional areas we defined in the Non-Native ArchivesSpace Functionality doc (perhaps "Catalog" first). We took a look at that doc, and noted that it probably needs to be cleaned up. Note that ad hoc groups don't have to be made up of members.

We briefly discussed the


To-dos from last time:


Work plan check-in and wrap-up

Next call is , 2pm - 3pm EST.

Action items

  • Max Eckard will get in contact with CalTech to get more info on their work.
  • More information. Checking on status...
  • How are you thinking of this as an integration? What's your vision?
  • What does augmenting the API mean in terms of integration?
  • Cory Nimer will update the Integrations page with StaticAid information.
  • Cory Nimer will e-mail the ArchivesSpace listserv with an announcement about Hillel Arnold's integration and inviting folks to fill out the ArchivesSpace Integrations Information form.
  • Max Eckard will clean up Non-Native doc, then reach out to Ben Goldman regarding an ad hoc group around ArchivesSpace/Hydra Integration. Are the uses outlined in old HAIG documents still up-to-date? What are the requirements for such an integration?
  • Patrick Galligan, who will be attending the Aeon symposium, will (hopefully) report back to the group on the goings on around ArchivesSpace and Aeon there, but hopefully also see if there are opportunities for our group or an ad hoc subset of our group to help out with defining requirements, etc., for such an integration.

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