2023-2024 Integrations Retrospective

2023-2024 Integrations Retrospective

Integrations Sunsetting Documentation

Integrations Team Sunsetting Documentation


  • Migrated current content regarding integrations with ArchivesSpace from the Integrations Sub-Team Confluence space to the Awesome ArchivesSpace GitHub site. Deleted Confluence pages after migration.

  • Identified and removed links to the 2022 Integrations Survey from all remaining Confluence pages.

  • Appraised and disposed of all content in the Integrations Google Drive. Materials not discarded were moved to the “Historical Integrations Data” tab in the Integrations Confluence space and a record of disposition decisions was preserved in the sunsetting documentation.

  • Maintained summary documentation of the Integration sunsetting process.


  • Frequent roster changes between 2022 and 2024, leading to Elizabeth Dunham being the sole member of the Integrations Sub-Team after late 2023. Lack of additional team members slowed the sunsetting process and necessitated “borrowing” people from other teams to finalize work.

  • Minimal overlap between Awesome ArchivesSpace and the Technical Advisory Council led to some confusion about what documentation should be maintained where and how Awesome ArchivesSpace will be maintained going forward. Integrations recommends reconvening the Awesome ArchivesSpace Ad Hoc Working Group to identify priorities moving forward.


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