2018-03-16 Meeting agenda and notes

2018-03-16 Meeting agenda and notes





Discussion items

2 minRoll callAll
 5 minWelcome and introductions All 
  • Dustin - Software developer at Atlas. APIs are something the developers need to document for developers. Atlas uses swagger.io
10 minPurpose of group

"Creating documentation and/or screencasts for using the ArchivesSpace API, including JSON examples for post bodies/responses. This working group is responsible for determining the scope and timeline of this work, its relationship to the existing API autodocs, its format, where it would live, etc., as well as how it it would be promoted and maintained going forward."

Target audience: Current and future users of the ArchivesSpace API, including both ASpace members and non-members

10 minIdeas for improving API documentationAll
  • Documentation? Current documentation: http://archivesspace.github.io/archivesspace/api/
  • Screencasts? Screencasts created in 2013, including some references to using the API: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJFitFaE9AY_DDlhl3Kq_vFeX27F1yt6I
  • JSON post/response examples?
    • Possibly some of the biggest wins
  • Take a look at the UI and figure out the issues there
    • Docs sidebar. Cannot see the entire endpoint.
    • Table of contents/like endpoints grouped together
  • Need to know a lot about ArchivesSpace (e.g., how to actually create a Resource) to use the API
    • We can assume some familiarity with ArchivesSpace among our audience
  • People have very specific questions about calls
    • Maybe that will always be the case
    • This group could focus more on the docs in general and more specific questions are more of an ongoing thing
10 minWorking group responsibilitiesAll
  • Create a project charter
    • Purpose
    • Timeline
  • Maintain a wiki space and communicate progress
  • Succession planning/ongoing maintenance
  • Scope:
    • Proof of concept?
    • Comprehensive update to documentation?
    • Supplementary documentation outside of official ASpace repos?
    • Relationship to Technical Documentation sub-team?
    • Relationship to work of the ArchivesSpace development team?

10 min

Project CharterAll
  • Purpose
  • Target audience
  • Scope
  • Timeline
10 minNext steps and dividing responsibilitiesAll
3 minQuestions and wrap upAll

Action items

  • Dallas Pillen draft project charter
  • Dustin Stokes assemble resources on creating API documentation, take a look Slate, compare to Swagger

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