2022-3-14 Meeting notes

2022-3-14 Meeting notes



Meeting information:

Zoom information is no longer being shared on publicly available wiki pages.  Check your calendar appointment or email from Jessica (Jessica.crouch@lyrasis.org) for connection information. 


15 minJessica Crouch/Everyone

Welcome to our new ArchivesSpace Developer Casey Rhodes!

Everyone introduce themselves

15 min

Old Business


Items from last month's discussion:

  • How ArchivesSpace handles dependences (Jetty/Solr/Rails)
  • Discussion about tech documentation, API documentation and the development of PR/commit documentation or policy. 
    • Dave is going to review the pull requests Brian submits for this

re: Jetty. we completed upgrade to Jetty 9 in master; beyond that is a separate JVM version issue - do we abandon 1.8?

30 min

New Business


Development updates


Online Forum:

Team discussion on plugin development at the online forum

Date: March 21, 2022 at 2:15pm ET (45 minutes)

Register if you haven't already: ArchivesSpace Online Forum 2022

Do we feel ready? How is doing what?

This is what was discussed last time:

Brian will kick off the session by providing context around customizing ArchivesSpace, including reports and plugins. 

Joshua will take about maintaining plugins. 

We will open the floor to questions and discussion.  

Some questions to ask attendees:

What resources do you use to find/identify plugins?  what resources would useful

The session will be recorded.


Open discussion

1 minEveryone

Our next meeting is April 11, 2022 at 2pm ET/11am PT

Future Items:

  • Team project: Pull request / commit history policy and documentation