Reports Subteam Meeting Minutes, 2018-10-29

Reports Subteam Meeting Minutes, 2018-10-29


Oct 29, 20182pm EST / 11am PST (Zoom)

The following members of the committee were present:

  • @Nikki Thomas

  • @Alston Cobourn

  • @Ashley Knox

  • @Julia Novakovic

  • @Jasmine Jones (Unlicensed)

  • Adrienne Harling

The following guests were present

  • @Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed)

  • @Nancy Enneking (Unlicensed)

Discussion items

Alston plans to send out agendas in advance for future meetings


Reviewed the main points of this report.


New members access to confluence and the google drive folder?

- Alston shared G drive folders/docs

- Christine can assist if having trouble logging in and assessing Confluence pages

Reviewing Recommendations for predefined reports document we created a long time ago and see how we feel about the necessity of these reports now, keeping in mind the points of the report listed above. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/101847232/Reports+Subteam+Recommendations+for+Predefined+Reports

Working on customizable reports, but do we need canned?

Nancy proposing 3 predefined reports - digital objects; agents, subjects - particularly to call our orphans

Laney updated -

Lora Woodford working on orphan finder plug-in (Lyrasis plugin - hoping for 2018 release) run as background job

3 modes:

  1. by type - test run & get CSV report;

  2. Laney can't remember maybe run report

  3. Delete

Additional Laney updates:

  • customizable reports needs optimization (killing folks machines) - Sarah returning in January to work on

  • Laney refactored assessment reports in latest release - looks more like HM reports before previous refactoring

  • May have algorithm to fix future CSV of reports, so the rest will need to be refactored

Adrienne asked who determined what the list of reports would be - Alston explained that subteam served as representative of community (after 1-2 responses to survey of larger ASpace community) - part of it was running tests of reports and determining if the report actually returned the info indicated in report description - also looking to have reports to support modules built into ASpace

Should reports subteam be focusing on canned reports if so much effort needs to be put into creating/optimizing custom reports interface? Folks who don't understand how the database works and want something simple will prefer canned reports. Same for lone arrangers without time to work out database functionality.

What about applying filtering to predefined reports? That might be enough to solve issues for some users. Can now filter by repository and date.

Seems like we do need to keep some canned reports. Potentially use custom report usage to generate list of necessary canned reports?

Are there certain formats where we don't care about ALL the information?


Action plan - look at predefined reports and bring feedback and questions.