Reports Subteam Meeting Minutes, 2019-01-14
Reports Subteam Meeting Minutes, 2019-01-14
The following members of the committee were present:
- Julia Novakovic
- Nikki Thomas
- Adrienne Harling
The following guests were present
Discussion items
Working wtih following documents:
Recommendations for Pre-defined reports (and Basic Information for Reports)
- Do we need basic information on every report?
- Alston proposes no - only title, identifier, accession date, disposition, provenance, acq typ?, resource type?, publish?, access restrictions note and use restrictions note
- Some agreement because it can muddy results
- Are we considering the use of the reports or the way the results display?
- Are first 4 are sufficient?
Accession List report - Does this differ from accession report?; Unclear on use case recommendation - swap out extents for location
Accession Record report - Use case: someone needs a more manageable csv dump
Are custom reports still a possibility? because that will help determine direction with canned reports
- In some instances they take down the server
- Cannot work towards canned reports serving all of everyone's needs
What is the best way to move forward to determine what we're recommending for each report?
- Should we poll the ASpace UAC to see what reports are useful and which are completely unnecessary?
- Which reports do you currently use and why? - What do you wish there was a report for?
Educate community on current state of reports
- Christine suggests participating in ASpace open call - can coordinate with new Community Engagement Coordinator
Next steps
- Google doc to discuss info for open call
- Email thread to try to keep conversation going about recommendation for specific reports
, multiple selections available,