2016-11-30 User Advisory Council Meeting

2016-11-30 User Advisory Council Meeting


30 November 2016


Not Present:

Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

Discussion items



1:00 p.m. Eastern time

Roll CallGordon DainesTwo new members are joining the UAC: Lydia Tang, Michigan State (very large member institution) and John Zarrillo, Brooklyn Historical Society (very small member institution).

Program UpdateBrad Westbrook


  • Recruitments underway for Program Manager (5 candidates thus far) and Technical Lead (2 candidates interviewed)


Restoration of Development

  • Hudson Molongo started to provide development in November and is expected to continue doing so through June 2017. Emphasis this month has been on bug fixes prioritized by the Prioritization sub-team, as well as approval of submitted pull requests.

PUI enhancement

  • A version of the enhanced public interface is available at http://pui.hudmol.com/. This will change as enhancements are implemented.
  • Expectation is that all targeted enhancements will be completed and a tested and finished public interface will be ready for release at the end of March. However, a test candidate may not be ready until mid-January, instead of the previously stated date of mid-December.


  1. Agents: a new data model and wire frames have been drafted. Export maps and objects for MARC and EAC authority records are being drafted. Cory Nimer will be representing this work at the SNAC meeting in December.
  2. Reports: the specification--including requirement, examples of definitions, and a list of report targets–is in a final phase of review and should be delivered for community review before the end of the year.
  3. OAI-PMH responder: waiting on a some minor revisions before being shared with the community for comment
  4. Rights Management: Consisting of an enhanced data model, wire frames, and migration requirements, this specification is completed and has been shared for community review. The community review resulted in request for user stories clarifying how organizations would use the rights module, especially in comparison to use and access notes in the resource module.


  • 308 total members (48 very large, 35 large, 60 medium, 54 small, and 111 very small)


  • Basics and Digital Objects, Five Colleges (Northampton, MA, Oct. 10-11), Christine Di Bella, Rachel Onuf, presenters; Stacie Williams, trainer-in-training
  • Basics, Tufts University (Medford, MA, Oct. 25-26), Christine Di Bella and Brad Westbrook, presenters, Miloche Kottman, trainer-in-training
  • Basics and Digital Objects, University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA, Oct. 31-Nov 2), Mark Custer and Noah Huffman, presenters
  • Basics, George Eastman Museum (Rochester, NY, Nov. 1-2), Brad Westbrook, presenter
  • Basics and Digital Objects, Hong Kong University (Nov. 14-16), Nancy Enneking and Brad Westbrook, presenters


  • Basics, University of North Texas (Dallas / Fort Worth, TX, Dec. 1-2) Noah Huffman and Miloche Kottman, presenters
  • Basics, Northwestern University (Evanston, IL, Jan. 9-10 (Lisa Calahan and Stacie Williams, presenters


  • Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (Oct. 10-13, Phoenix, AZ)
  • Joint Meeting of the Society of Georgia and Society of Florida Archivists (Oct. 13-14, Savannah, GA)
  • LYRASIS Member Summit and All Staff meeting (Oct. 17-21, Atlanta, GA)
  • Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (Nov. 3-5, Annapolis, MD)
  • New England Museums Association (Nov. 11, Mystic, CT)

Governance Board meeting, November 28

  • Report to follow
  • Meeting will include a discussion about developing a new set of training options in the new fiscal year.

Sub-team Reports

Development PrioritizationJason Loeffler
  • Raw survey results and summary went out to user and council groups last week.
  • Results of backlog grooming in spring/summer 2016 informed current list of development priorities for Hudson Molonglo; Many of these stories (bugs and feature enhancements) appear in the current release candidate.
  • Continued work on backlog and JIRA story prioritization will continue in January 2017; Doodle pool will go out to sub-team this week to schedule a time.

DocumentationLinda Hocking
  • Have not done any work pending release of the new version of ArchivesSpace
  • Would appreciate a head's up from other subteam's if they have documentation related needs

ReportsNancy Enneking
  • Subgroup is working on a narrative specification. Group will be meeting on December 13 to review document and ensure consistency. I *suspect* we need about another month to package up and send the specifications to the community for comment (so say roughly January) then another month for the actual comment. After that we’ll need to see where we are, redraft anything needed, and shoot the specifications off to see what potential developers think. I believe Brad was going to be the one to discuss doing the actual work with the potential developers, so presumably the new Program Manager will take that on.
  • Subgroup found that reports in 1.5 worked. In 1.5.1, the majority of reports failed, except for 4 that worked. Nancy is checking reports in latest release candidate, but some reports may be failing due to lack of test data. Jason is in the process of working through testing reports and will be in contact with the team with his findings.
  • Question asked about the development prioritization survey results factoring into the reports specification. The biggest challenge is getting reports to work, let alone consistently.

TestingMiloche Kottman

Chad Conrady resigned from the sub-team. Met with James Bullen from HM to give an overview of the Testing groups workflow. Bullen is hoping for a release before the holidays, then two others in March and June respectively. Tested around 16 JIRA issues for the Nov. 29th bug fix release. With HM on board, we'll likely get back to testing on a more regular basis.