2019-11-05 Meeting notes
Nov 5, 2019 3pm ET/2 CT/1 MT/12 P
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Meeting ID: 695 878 925
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@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)
@Althea Topek
@Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)
@Terra Gullings (Unlicensed)
@Julia Novakovic
@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)
Helpful links:
Google drive folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_HqE4OszPNI7Bt_jtTjchqqQWkGYADCT
Jiras tagged with “usability” https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%2010500%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20usability
Discussion topics
Item | Notes | Decisions |
Announcements | Seeking co-chair! | Please volunteer here or let Lydia know afterward! |
Discussion | Is doing the separate PUI/SUI mid-month meeting working out ok or should we meet twice per month as a group? | Helpful to meet as a smaller group to plan ahead for meeting with larger group. |
PUI team | 1.ANW-886: Changing the link and thumbnail for DOs as they appear on the public siteClosed-Will Not Do 2.ANW-769: Move collection organization sidebar to the left for usabilityClosed-Complete |
SUI team |
Action items
-Lydia would like some assistance from a co-chair; please let her know if you are able to volunteer for this task!
-If SUI/PUI teams come across JIRA tickets that have actually been resolved, please mark as such so they can be closed. [Note: If tickets are already marked “Development Started,” then DevPri is aware of issue and working on it!]
-Share tickets with Users List in January to get feedback and create voting mechanism (quarterly Users List survey?). Include for sure: ANW-214 [distinguish unpublished components], ANW-769 [design for F/Collection organization sidebar to left for usability].
-Lydia will be in touch with previous DevPri survey results when they’re completed (after Nov. 20) to see if that impacts our moving ahead.
-For next meeting of SUI subteam – see Final Reports Sub-team recommendation reports (2019): Final Reports Sub-team recommendation report 2019-08 And see if anything comes to mind [reports as a way to fundamentally extract data].
-For next meeting of PUI subteam - plan 4 Jira tickets to discuss.