2020-02-04 Meeting notes

2020-02-04 Meeting notes


Feb 4, 20203pm ET/2 CT/1 MT/12

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  • @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

Kate Blalack - not yet

@Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed) - not yet

@Terra Gullings (Unlicensed)

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

@Julia Novakovic

@Althea Topek


Discussion topics







Roll call



  1. Swim lanes for Jira - should we go with this?

  2. Subteam sustainability - we need a co-leader. Should we/I mention at the joint council that we’re seeking additional members? Do we need additional members, or just (ahem) a leader with more bandwidth?

  1. good!

  2. do a call for members.



Draft Quarterly Update (please feel free to edit!)

  • Charge: To develop functional and practical recommendations  to the program that streamline navigation, clarify the visual layout, identify accessibility improvements, and enhance the ease of use of the existing program for both the staff and public interface of the ArchivesSpace software application.

  • Roster changes: Adrienne Storey resigned from the UAC and Usability subteam in December due to increased job duties.

  • Major activities: We have started to meet every two weeks in order to maintain momentum and focus.  We’ve worked on 7 tickets needing additional Usability investigation - we met with reporters for two of the tickets to continue to suss out and refine ticket requests.  We’ve also pursued topical projects, such as the usability and visual appearance of accessing the ArchivesSpace public and staff interfaces using a mobile device. Christine di Bella recently set up “swim lanes” in JIRA to ensure that Usability and Dev. Pri. don’t overlap when addressing tickets, which seems helpful.

  • Future priorities: We’ll continue to refine our workflows and address usability projects for ArchivesSpace.


Tickets (if we want to try this)

  1. ANW-608: Reordering moves, particularly cut and paste, cause some reordering functions to be lost or unpredictableClosed-Duplicate

  2. ANW-350: Sorting values in enumerations tables is inefficientClosed-Duplicate

  3. ANW-775: As an archivist, I want the Agents and Subject Headings sorted in ResourcesReady for Implementation

  4. ANW-785: As an archivist, I would like to access all applicable Top Containers directly from a Resource or Accession viewReady for Implementation


Action items
