2020-03-31 Meeting notes

2020-03-31 Meeting notes


Mar 31, 2020 3pm ET/2 CT/1 MT/12

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  • @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

  • Kate Blalack

    @Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

  • @Terra Gullings (Unlicensed)

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

    @Julia Novakovic

    @Althea Topek


Discussion topics












@Althea Topek

1. ANW-8: As a repository manager, I want to generate a list of storage units at which my repository stores materialsClosed-Will Not Do 2. ANW-31: Repository productionClosed-Will Not Do

  1. Laney’s comment: “Does the current location report or location holding report take care of this ticket?” – Yes I think the current reports take care of this. Should we close the ticket?

  2. I have never used Archivist Toolkit and I think it’s difficult to assess this ticket without having experience with AT. I think a repository production report could be helpful but I’m wondering if it’s a priority right now. Records in AS have edit timestamps which I find to be helpful. Hypothetically, staff should be documenting revision statements. AS currently has a “Created Accessions” (report on accessions created within a date range) – does this report need to be expanded to resources, DOs, and component records?

  1. close

  2. Althea will add comments that having inclusive dates especially will be helpful, to consider it in the new custom reports. Keep in awaiting more information.

@Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

  1. ANW-536: As a repository manager, I want the General Note in the Accession record to be moved to the bottom of the accession record and relabeled "Repository Processing Note". Closed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-765: Please create simple Box and Folder columns next to Folder Title.Awaiting More Information

  1. Have seen the General Note used for info other than processing information. 4 year old ticket, though Mark Custer commented in support. Useful for accessioning as processing?

2. This seems like it could be one part of a much larger PUI redesign. I do agree with the request- the PUI container lists look very confusing as is.

  1. Internal Repository note label instead? Lydia will create a new ticket. Close ticket

  2. Streamline the Collection Organization. One area where box and folder are clearly listed. Will leave the ticket as is to assess.

Kate Blalack

  1. ANW-116: Create five new reports based on data in the Rights Management sub-recordClosed-Will Not Do 2. ANW-117: Trigger notification or action for Rights Basis End Date expiration, for example copyrighted material where the copyright period is expiringClosed-Duplicate


  1. Close

  2. Covered in ANW-923: Suggested AlertsClosed-Will Not Do (add customizable alerts: for unprocessed collections after a certain date, items on loan) Email and color signal in the menu bar.

@Julia Novakovic

  1. ANW-309: Improve the ability to copy/link data to various componentsClosed-Will Not Do 2. ANW-695: As a collection manager, I would like the option to export a list of top containers associated with collectionClosed-Complete

  1. Lydia, since you reported on this one originally-- would you be able to share if you think this is still important or if any recent updates have fulfilled this ticket?

  2. Seems like a reasonable request. I played around in the test server and didn’t see this already implemented, but can recall exporting a csv list before for other record types. Does anyone else have suggestions on a similar existing csv export in AS that we can reference?

  1. Close ticket

  2. Pass

@Terra Gullings (Unlicensed)

  1. ANW-939: Sort linked Classification results by identifier and alphabeticallyAwaiting More Information

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-773

  1. not sure if I’m looking in the right place, but can sort resources and records groups by ID or alphabetically, it’s not the default view though. Default looks like date created.

  2. Print whole finding aid to PDF from anywhere within a resource record, and a separate button to print just a section of a finding aid to PDF. Included in Yale Usability test, implement?

  1. Close

  2. Pass along to Dev Pri.?

@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-101 2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-100

  1. asking Christine is this should be closed or remain open since it was incorporated into SIEWG recs.

  2. Mostly done and the rest is not a high priority for fixing. Close

  1. ready for implementation

  2. Close

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  1. ANW-536: As a repository manager, I want the General Note in the Accession record to be moved to the bottom of the accession record and relabeled "Repository Processing Note". Closed-Will Not Do 2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-878

  1. I like the idea of this ticket, however I feel that accession records should still have a general note and maybe add the Repository Processing Note

  2. Adding fields or a note field to container profile would be helpful in identification for purchasing and selection for top containers

  1. see above

  2. Add a general note field and pass to Dev. Pri.?

Action items


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