2019-12-03 Meeting notes

2019-12-03 Meeting notes


Dec 3, 20193pm ET/2 CT/1 MT/12

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  • @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

  • @kate blalack

  • @Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

  • @Terra Gullings (Unlicensed)

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)


Discussion topics









Brittany asks about mobile access. Brittany will start a Google doc. Lydia is interested in helping. Brittany will bring this up at UAC.

PUI team

  1. ANW-334: Provide a method to feature specific resources on the homepage of the new PUIClosed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-773: As a researcher, I would like to download the finding aid PDF from any view within the collectionReady for Testing

  3. ANW-950: Pretty print option for records in the public interfaceClosed-Complete

1. Will send to Dev. Pri.

2. Need to add to survey about what people actually would like. This is complicated if a finding aid is extremely long. How much of a hinderance is it actually to navigate back. Would people like to create PDF of portions of a description?

3. Will continue to explore this… Stay tuned!

SUI team

  1. ANW-352: Add the "revision statements" section as a sub-record of the "Finding Aid Data" section in the Resource recordReady for Implementation 2. ANW-789: User Permission Groups suggestionsReady for Implementation

Discussed the Reports final report. Needing more info from user base on what a custom reports module would look like. (Maybe should be a Task Force outside of Usability or revisit this later)

  1. Send to Dev. Pri. and see how they feel about mock ups. Hopefully this will just mean moving existing code around. If it’s too much work, super low priority.

  2. Send to Dev. Pri. to see what they think.

Action items
