2019-10-1 Meeting notes
Oct 1, 2019 3pm ET/2 CT/1 MT/12 PT
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Meeting ID: 695 878 925
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@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)
@Althea Topek
@Christine Di Bella
@Lori Dedeyan
Terra Gullings
Adrienne Harling
@Julia Novakovic
Regrets: Kate Blalack, Brittany Newberry
Helpful links:
Jiras tagged with “usability” https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%2010500%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20usability
Discussion topics
Item |
| Decisions |
Greetings and introductions |
Announcements? |
Discussion | How should this subteam accomplish our work? Should we meet monthly? Every two weeks? Divide into small groups around various topics/tickets and present wireframes and recommendations at each meeting? | We decided to split into two sub-sub teams: Public Interface and Staff Interface. The goal is to hold a full meeting once a month and the subteams organize their own mid-meeting in between. PUI team: Althea, Lydia, Brittany, Adrienne SUI: Julia, Lori, Terra, Kate |
Sample Topics |
| 1.Perhaps park this ticket for now, since we may be addressing a lot of PUI tickets in the future. Otherwise, it seems pretty ok. 2. Perhaps have a sign to the left of the archival object in the tree, such as a circle with a line through it, to visually indicate that it is unpublished. 3. 1st ticket: there’s currently a way to insert code to embed a thumbnail, perhaps we could find a way to make that more user friendly and built into the system? 2nd ticket: this sounds like they want a parking spot for digital objects on the resource view. Since this is so repository-specific, should that ticket be closed? 4. Something to look into, but it sounds like it would be a useful feature. A question was raised about how to efficiently scale up Top Containers for extremely large and homogeneous collections. If you would prefer to do a box range (1-50, for example) how would that actually work with the Top Container model? |