2020-01-07 Meeting notes

2020-01-07 Meeting notes


Jan 7, 20203pm ET/2 CT/1 MT/12

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  • @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • @Althea Topek

  • @Julia Novakovic

  • @kate Blalack


Discussion topics








Mobile interface update - Brittany?

  • Brittany and Lydia are interested in looking into the accessibility and usability of the PUI through the mobile app. Stay tuned!

PUI team

  1. Updates on ANW-950: Pretty print option for records in the public interfaceClosed-Complete2. – not really a ticket but just something to discuss – https://docs.google.com/document/d/194-QB9JxVY0CQtgg66y1th3fvqp37K2p6KbF2Ral5ko/edit I wonder if we should reach out to Mark Custer at Yale and the ArcLight project to see how they evolve the public interface. Perhaps we could get more communication and collaboration?

SUI team

1.ANW-775: As an archivist, I want the Agents and Subject Headings sorted in ResourcesReady for Implementation

  1. (Terra) I agree--Agents/Subject Headings not alphabetical in current ASpace.

Lydia will bring this to Dev. Pri.

Jira orientation and discussion of workflows for this semester


We decided to work as a full subteam at least for now going forward on specific larger scale projects, not individual tickets. This should avoid too much overlap with Dev. Pri.

Our first collaborative project will be examining accessing the public and staff interfaces with the mobile phone.

We will do an email check in in two weeks, but plan to meet in person to finalize results and hopefully submit a well-spec’d ticket after our next meeting in a month.

Action items
