2021-11-11 Metadata meeting notes


Microsoft Teams meeting

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  • @Elizabeth Roke

  • @Valerie Addonizio

  • @Kevin Schlottmann

  • @Jared Campbell - Regrets (Federal holiday)

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed) - Regrets

  • @Regine Heberlein - Regrets


  • @Valerie Addonizio

Quick links

Current Work Plan

Previous Agendas

Discussion Topics







10 min

Tiers of Support

I want to follow up on this item from last term: Get the tiers of support on GitHub and get that link to Christine for the https://archivesspace.org/ site

Is this the final version, at the top of this page: ?

Is there any documentation, like why something is in tier 1 versus tier 2? If we publish this, I suggest we include a bit more about how these tiers are decided.

I recall a decision that this go on GitHub. Where exactly?

25 min

Update on progress

Action items from last agenda:

Thank you to Elizabeth for reporting back on ANW-768: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-768

<ref> elements are not currently repeatable in a single index note in AS.  It is repeatable in both EAD2002 and EAD3, but it needs to be nested within a <ptrgrp> wrapper when repeated.  I spoke to Mark Custer at Yale about this and he thinks we should support it in AS because the workaround requires repeating index entries (e.g. an indexentry with a ptrgrp and 5 refs becomes 5 index entries, all with the same name heading).

Addressing this ticket means: within the index, allow the reference and the reference text for each item within an index note to repeat.  Amending the EAD3 and EAD2002 import/export to create multiple references for each index item when <ptrgrp> is present within <indexentry>. 

Not sure on priority, but absolutely think this is something that needs to be supported since it’s supported in both EAD3 and EAD2002 and we know of people having to develop workarounds.

10 min

New/Ongoing ticket review

Check for new tickets. If there are no new tickets, we will move on.


  • What would a spec look like in this case? A crosswalk between MARC and the data model for Accessions?


  • Thoughts? I volunteer to test and submit a comment.

10 min


An ambitious Work plan item is Recommend and provide feedback on a workflow that alerts the Metadata Sub-Team to relevant tickets as they are submitted and reviewed

I thought of that recently when this ticket was marked as complete: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1174

I’d like to brainstorm (if we have time) on how to be alerted to and follow-up on code changes like the one above.

I set up a test of https://app.github-file-watcher.com but not sure I have it working.

5 min

Next steps/homework

No new agenda items in the next agenda! I want us to have space and time to address past and current business

Action Items

@Valerie Addonizio Will reach out to Kevin to test https://app.github-file-watcher.com
@Kevin Schlottmann Will hopefully have time to test https://app.github-file-watcher.com! Sorry for the late email.
@Valerie Addonizio Will work on drafting a final version of the Tiers of Support
@Elizabeth Roke Elizabeth will follow up on the 040s - what's already mapped, what's supported already in the code, what tickets need to be created?
@Elizabeth Roke 264 $c - Should be fully supported - Elizabeth will follow up on a, b, c
@Elizabeth Roke Please create a new column (or alternative suggestion) for tracking tickets associated with your work on identifying DACS elements that are missing from the importer
@Kevin Schlottmann Kevin will comment on https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1416
@Valerie Addonizio Will post Elizabeth's note on ANW-768 with some more context
@Regine Heberlein Will continue her assessment of the EAD spreadsheet reorganization

