August 27, 2024 meeting notes


Aug 27, 2024


  • @Jessica Crouch

  • @Thimios Dimopulos

  • @Susannah Broyles

  • @Kevin Clair

  • @Cory Nimer

  • @Donald Smith

  • @erhant

  • Allison Clemens

  • Sandrine Guérin


Survey results: Virtual Member Forum multilingual presentation

Use case document: ArchivesSpace multilingual description use cases

Behavior scenario use case document: ArchivesSpace multilingual description use cases (behavior scenarios)

Specification template: ArchivesSpace multilingual description spec draft

Jira ticket template: Behavior Scenarios

 Pre-meeting individual goals

All team members should have reviewed this ticket and provide their own scenario for how this specific functionality will look and behave in the application. Refer to previous documents and other tickets for examples and ideas.
As time allows, team members should review and add use cases and comment to the additional related tickets created by @Cory Nimer
If you would like these entered in Jira another way, please let me know.

 Discussion topics









5 min




40 min

Discussion of all tickets linked above


See linked tickets above

  • What are these tickets missing to make them actionable?

  • What are the next steps for these tickets?

    • There are still open questions specific for each ticket.

      • @Thimios Dimopulos together with @Cory Nimer will work on spotting those individual questions and typing them as a comment under each ticket

    • We agree to keep in mind that we want to keep the posibility of extending the functionality and implement more of MARC but we do not consider extending the MARC implementation of ArchivesSpace within the scope of this project.

    • We agree to go on and ask for feedback from the Metadata Standards comittee as soon as possible for the parts that are already defined. @Thimios Dimopulos and @Kevin Clairwill work on bringing the tickets to the metadata standards committee

  • What did the team learn from these tickets to inform next steps and ticket creation/requests for other elements of the application in this work?

    • It seems that the format of the tickets is working well

  • What is next in general?


Next steps and action items?


  • Clarify the open questions regarding the title fields

    • @Cory Nimer would add some specific notes under each ticket to point out the open questions of each ticket and encourage feedback from the team

  • Bring the tickets to the Metadata Standards committee for feedback

    • @Kevin Clair is part of the Medata Standards and will bring this up

  • Start implementing

    • @Donald Smith will work on that


Next meeting: September 24, 2024



 Action items
