2018-02-07 Meeting notes




Discussion items

TimeItemNotesAction items
3-5 minIntroductions

5-10 min Goals of this regional forum & Role of this working group
  • Connecting people in their region
    • MARAC as an example
  • Opportunities to hear how others are using ASpace
  • Opportunities to learn new skills in using ASpace
  • Opportunities to work together
  • To meet more people and find out more tips and tricks
  • Large community here using it

10 minProgram agendaBoston Regional Forum - May 2018
15 minProgram content (presentations, workshop, etc.)
  • General content ideas
    • item level description, especially when you're digitizing something.
    • item level description, of drafts of published materials
    • also interested in learning more about api
    • also learning some of the functionality that is out there, that isn't out of the box
    • how other institutions have approached in a policy way – how it's being rolled out, how they're using it (and less of a technical way)
      • examples of actual practice, e.g. digital objects
    • workbook has a lot of basics, but not a lot of examples of what other people are doing and how their finding aids look, and where info goes, and dacs is so loose on some of these. at component level, not collection level
    • look at users listserv to figure out what people are working on?
    • Harvard – aspace working group, all of the repositories are using aspace very differently. some places are using top containers
    • repositories sharing one large controlled vocabulary
    • container profiles, share all the same lists but use different ones at different repositories
  • Lightning round
    • how people are solving their own unique issues
    • can flow into discussion
    • lightning round submission form – ck can draft up and send to joe/danielle to review
      • submission form – send out by february 16, friday
      • deadline for submissions – march 16, friday
      • april 3-- get in touch to say they're accepted
      • at least a month to prepare
      • forum may 3
      • Also include suggestion workshop/activity type things – include in submission form
    • how different people are using aspace? whether it's description or implementation, short lightning round
  • Discussion
    • maybe during the discussion, there can be more technical aspect, and description, or access aspect to it? – several people that lead discussions?
    • check out users listserv – identify potential discussion leaders
  • Invited speakers 
    • check out users listserv – identify invited speakers as well
    • invited speakers: local or anyone interesting? – Kim to look into costs
      • put out on listserv – who are people interested in hearing from?? maybe target that?
      • maybe we can expand particular lightning round submissions? and turn them into invited speakers?
  • afternoon programs – 
    • Hackathon
    • Advanced training topics
    • API
    • Plugins
    • Digital objects
    • public user interface – customization
    • reports, getting stats out
    • need to poll out – (finall call for polls march 16)
  • program set – april 3rd
  • Lightning roundChristine Kim draft up submission form – Danielle/Joe to review
    • submission form – send out by February 16, Friday
    • deadline for submissions – March 16, Friday
    • April 3 – get in touch to say they're accepted
  • Discussion leaders
    • Danielle/Joe/Kim to look at users listserv to identify potential discussion leaders in the area
    • Discussion themes: technical, description, access
  • Invited speakers
    • Danielle/Joe/Kim to look at users listserv for potential invited speakers
    • Christine Kim find out if we can invite speakers that aren't local
  • Afternoon program
    • Danielle/Joe/Kim continue brainstorming potential ideas
  • Program set by April 3
  • Lunch: look into area and see if lunch on your own is doable
    • Can be part of registration? Can sign up for lunch with person we don't know?
10 minRegistration, evaluations, after program social mixer/happy hour
  • registrations set – february 23rd? – ck will draft up and share with danielle/joe to review
    • send out before
    • send out everytime we figure something out
  • after program activity – may ask opinions of friends for ideas
    • somewhere closeby will be ideal
    • not a ton right by tufts, but cambridge or somerville
    • tufts / christine – get ideas from them, bring them back to joe/danielle
    • if we come up with something good, we'll just say this is what we're doing
  • people will have stronger opinions on program rather than after activity since they're local
  • RegistrationChristine Kim draft up registration form; send to Danielle/Joe to review
    • Send out by February 23
  • Happy hour/mixer: All come up with ideas
5 minMeeting frequency
  • every other week
  • next meeting:February 21, 11-12pm ET

Action items

  • Invited speakers: Danielle/Joe/Kim to look at users listserv to identify potential leads. (Can also use lightning round submissions for ideas.)
  • Lightning round: Christine Kim to draft up form. Danielle/Joe to review. Send out by February 16.
  • Discussion leaders: Danielle/Joe/Kim to look at users listserv to identify potential leads
  • Afternoon program: Danielle/Joe/Kim to continue brainstorming ideas (Can ask for ideas in lightning round submission)
  • Registration: Christine Kim to draft up form. Danielle/Joe to review. Send out by February 23. (And continuously send out as new ideas are set)
  • Happy hour/mixer: Danielle/Joe/Kim to continue brainstorming ideas